Everyone Should Pray For The Sick
James 5:15 “and the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up”
For all who believe, will receive! Mark 11:24
Healing is not bound to a “ministry”.
Faith is all the qualification you need to receive healing and pray for others for healing!
The Key To Answered Prayer
1 John 5:14 AMP “if we ask anything according to His will, (that is, consistent with His plan and purpose,) He hears us”
The key to answered prayer is asking according to His will!
The key to answered prayer is to pray according to Scripture!
Mark 11:24 “whatever things you ask for in prayer (in accordance with God’s will), believe (with confident trust) that you have received them, and they will be given to you.”
Praying God’s Will with Faith = Results!
Praying for others: Is God leading you to pray a scripture? What is the Holy Spirit leading you to pray? What is God saying? Is it a bloodline curse or something they need to change in their diet? Be obedient even if it doesn’t make sense to you.
How To Pray:
An attitude of persistence draws God’s attention!
Remember the widow in Luke 18? A widow persistently asking a judge for protection against her adversaries. The judge eventually gave the widow what she asked for because she was relentless! To the point of “intolerable annoyance”! This is the kind of faith that draws God’s attention to you! Don’t give up! Keep on knocking!
“be unceasing & persistent in every situation” / “be thankful”, then you will see God’s hand move!
1 Thes 5:16-18
God has given us tools to pray effectively for healing:
The Anointing:
God’s Spirit being on you & Anointing with Oil: Oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, power (Is 11:2). Trusting God, the Holy Spirit to heal!
The Name of Jesus:
Mark 16:17 “those who believe: in My Name they will cast out demons…they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover”. Believing in the Name of Jesus = healing. Believe = trust, confidence. In what? His Word, The Cross, Jesus the Person, in heart & confession (Rom 10:9)
The Blood of Jesus: Jesus’ Blood = cleansed from sin. Sin is often the root of many sicknesses = pray the blood, pray that the root of your sickness gets exposed and removed!
This is why Jesus said “go and sin no more” after He healed because we can open a door through our sin for the sickness to return
When you pray for someone: Discern! Is there a reason for the sickness?
Roots to sickness:
bitterness / “crushed spirit” (Prov 17:22) / sin (1 Pet 2:24) (James 5:15) (James 5:16) Fear / Rebellion (disobedience). Check yourself and allow God to show you if there is something that keeps opening the door for sickness to destroy your life. We must check ourselves - there may be a root we are not aware of.
Praying for others: Listen while praying! What is the root? What is really going on? What must you pray exactly? Spirit problem or natural problem?
Types of Healing: Instant & Over Time
The type is God’s will! Not related to lack of faith. God knows.
Confession is vital while waiting. You can nullify your prayers of faith by confessing doubt & unbelief
Thanksgiving in prayer = declaration.
Faith believes now! As if it has already happened!
It’s easy to say Jesus is our Healer when we are healthy. But the truth is: Jesus is the Healer whether you are sick or not!
Confession gives possession!
“watch & wait” (Psalm 5:3). Principle of prayer = waiting on God is not passive. It’s having expectation, knowing that God will come through! There should be an atmosphere of expectation, of faith!
Praying for others, discern. Instant or over time? Don’t allow natural to cause doubt. Help person understand to keep their confession!
Walking with God is maintaining their healing!
Evelyn Monteiro