2 Corinthians 4:4 states that Satan, the god of this world blinds the minds of the unbelieving to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This verse proves that satan wants us to be spiritually blind. What does spiritual blindness look like?
* being rebellious
* lacking in discernment
* hardness of heart
* religiousness
* pride
When we don't deal with the above mentioned, we become spiritually blind. We struggle to see what is really going on in our hearts and lives. When we are spiritually blind, we don't have understanding and revelation. We may have knowledge, but there is no wisdom.
Prov 22:3-4 "A prudent and far-sighted person sees the evil (of sin) and hides himself (from it); but the naive continue on and are punished (by suffering the consequences of sin). The reward of humility (that is, having a realistic view of one's importance) and the (reverent, worshipful) fear of the Lord is riches, honor and life."
We want to be "far-sighted". Meaning, we see what sins are in our lives and we deal with them so that satan can't keep using them against us to gain access. When we humble ourselves, which is the opposite of being rebellious, we will live lives of great reward - riches, honor and life! Do you see now why satan doesn't want you to "see"?
Why am I speaking to you about spiritual blindness? Because your enemy, satan, is a master at deceiving. He comes as an angel of light and if we are prideful, undiscerning, rebellious, offended or religious, he will use that to blind us.
That means, we don't see what we should be seeing and we go through life and challenges blindly and nothing changes. You will just keep "suffering the consequences of sin" - Prov 22:3-4, and you won't know why you are miserable and in bondage.
Let's pray: Holy Spirit, open my eyes! Show me what I'm doing that's causing my spiritual blindness! Show me my heart! I don't want to be deceived and not see what is really going on in my life! Remove this veil from my face I pray, in Jesus Name!
Evelyn Monteiro