Rhyan Monteiro

Rhyan is called as a Prophet to the Nations. He is a travelling minister of the Gospel and is also called to the Business sector. Rhyan ministers through Prophecy, teaching the Word of God, laying hands on those who are sick and doing deliverance. He is also a Prophetic voice in business. Some of the topics close to his heart are: deliverance and maintaining your deliverance, How To Pray Effectively & The True Purpose of your money. His heart is to see the Body of Christ walking in victory and for the people of God to fulfill their destinies. Charity work is the foundational work of Zayin Charitable Deeds which they’ve been doing together since they got married in 2008. 


Evelyn Monteiro

Evelyn is called as an Apostle and is a travelling minister of the Gospel. Being a worship leader for over 20 years and establishing a variety of ministries, Evelyn has been prepared for a long time until released into full-time ministry which she has now been in since 2003 after finishing Bible School. Evelyn teaches on various topics of which dreams and interpretation of dreams are a big part of her ministry. Other topics close to her heart are understanding your gifting, knowing your purpose & tactics of satan. She has released her first publication in 2020 called: Do you dream? God is speaking to YOU! Deliverance and inner healing is another way God uses Evelyn. Charity work is the foundational work of Zayin Charitable Deeds which they’ve been doing together since they got married in 2008. 

How our charity started

It is said that everything great starts small. This was no different. Since we got married in 2008, something we started doing was to buy a loaf of bread whenever we went grocery shopping to give to someone on our way home. As time went on, it became a parcel of tinned food, bread and milk we handed out once a month. But the morning that changed everything was a cold winter’s morning in 2012 when we were driving in our neighborhood and we noticed that at every dustbin next the road, was a person looking for food and plastics to recycle. Our lives were never to be the same again! We bought what we could afford at the time and purchased 20 breads per week to hand out. 20 turned into 50 and 50 turned into a 100. Today our charity work keeps expanding. We’ve done bread drives, blanket drives, shoe drives, clothes drives, groceries to families and the list goes on and on. God has always made a way for us to give to those in need. Being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ has carried us through the most challenging times in our lives. It truly is as it states in Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Isaiah 58:10

“And if you offer yourself to (assist) the hungry and satisfy the need of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday.”

We cannot imagine doing work for the Kingdom of God without doing acts of love and faith.

We also do outreaches to old age homes. We have witnessed how God touches, heals and restores His children from all races, ages and backgrounds.

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