Did you know there are hidden treasures in your dreams? There are revelations about yourself, your future, even your current situation that you did not even know about! The amount of revelations in your dreams will leave you astonished! God can reveal anything in dreams, from a repetitive cycle that has kept you in bondage, to what you can expect in your future.
In this 2 nd edition, you will learn about things like:
Everybody dreams! The problem we face though is “what do they mean?” Dreams continue to be a source of mystery to scientists and psychologists. Dreams are a gift from God to bring understanding and clarity! God is a personal God and He cares about every area of your life! Dreams have brought warning of events to come. Dreams have shown people what to do in complicated situations. The possibilities of how dreams can influence your life are never ending!
But it’s clear that dreams cause much confusion and are more of a burden than a blessing. Your time of rest, when you sleep, is supposed to be a peaceful experience and not filled with terror. So many today are suffering from nightmares, perhaps due to trauma or even medication. Many are having terrors at night due to mental conditions such as depression.
So many people are burdened by the confusion of their dreams and struggling with what they could mean. Concerns about why loved ones were in the dream and if something bad is going to happen to them? There are many books about dreams that will give a list of symbols with their meanings, but how can that be? If God knows the amount of hairs on your head, how can a tree have one single meaning? God is a relevant God and He speaks to us in a way that we will understand. God uses dreams to warn you, direct you, guide you, teach you about spiritual matters and promise you of things to come! God speaks to all of us! Regardless of your background, status or culture, your dreams are there to draw you closer to God. Your correct response to your dreams will help you understand what they mean and the outcome of it will change your life!
In this book you will find tools and examples you need to understand and interpret your dreams. You will find yourself walking with God in a new, exciting way! Your relationship with Jesus Christ will become real and practical as you discover the joy of this gift of Dreams
If there is a dream that you're struggling to understand, you are welcome to share the dream with us. We will then pray over it and send you feedback on it as soon as possible. Please take note that due to high volumes it will take an average of a week to respond to your request. But we'd love to help you grow closer to Jesus and to understand better what He is communicating with you through dreams. God is speaking to YOU!