Let me first explain what familiarity is:
To be "familiar" with someone, means you are acquainted with, close to, buddies with, casual with, attached to, comfortable with. It means that they are your friend.
This message is not saying you shouldn't have friends, but it is teaching you something to be weary of: satan uses those closest to us to attack us, too! We are familiar with those closest to us, it is why it hurts so much when the people who should have your back, turn their backs on you. Job had those closest to him, turn on him - his friends, even his wife! The comments they made, the "advice" they were giving him, was going to cost him his salvation in his most difficult time. He had a choice to make. He did not allow the familiarity to his friends and wife, to affect his walk of obedience to God. And that is what I am teaching you in this message.
Have you sinned with your "friends" to not offend them? Have you compromised with sin because it's your spouse? Have you put God second to the needs of your loved ones? Familiarity is the reason you did these things. Familiarity is fear of man. Prov 29:25 tells us that to fear man more than God is a trap of the enemy! We are not vigilant because it's our "friends" or it's our "family". Your duty and commitment is always to God first, REGARDLESS of who is standing in front of you! Matthew 10:28, Jesus said we shouldn't be so bothered about what people can do to us, we should be very concerned about what the enemy can do to us, because he is the one that can kill the soul!
Familiarity makes us not vigilant and we say things, do things, think things, we otherwise wouldn't because those we care about most are around us and we don't want to hurt or offend them. The truth is, when we stand for righteousness regardless, it might just be what they need to change their ways! It might just be the action necessary to make them think about the lives they are living, because of your example! Don't allow familiarity to cause you to compromise with sin. Don't allow familiarity to make you put God second. Don't allow the enemy to use those closest to you, to give way to sin.
Holy Spirit, help me to be vigilant, no matter who is standing in front of me! I know I have an enemy who wants to bring me pain. Help me to be wise, and stand for righteousness, no matter what, in Jesus Name. Amen
Evelyn Monteiro