None of us are excluded from this. Because none of us don't have rebellion. We have a sinful nature and that sinful nature, no matter how hard we try, sometimes still gets the better of us and those closest to us get the brunt of it - like our spouses. What is rebellion? Rebellion is everything we do that is opposite to the fruit of the Holy Spirit: hardness of heart, pride, stubbornness, anger, frustration, bitterness, anxiety, controlling behavior, selfishness and the like. All those behaviors that do not resemble Jesus' character, is our rebellious, sinful nature. Our actions, words and behaviors, affect our spouse.
When we stress, when fear is in control, we say and do things in haste - Prov 19:2 warns us that when we act in haste, we will make mistakes. How many of your decisions made in haste did not affect your spouse negatively? Of course it did! What affects you, affects your spouse!
What about going to be in anger? Eph 4:26-27 teaches us not to go to bed angry and hold on to anger and offense because we give the enemy an access point to our lives when we do that! How many times did you not forgive and went to bed angry?
What about being hard on your spouse? Jesus said in Matt 7:5 "first take the plank out of your own eye and then you will clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." Sometimes we blame our spouses for almost everything when perhaps the problem was with us! Has the rebellion in you made your heart hard and you are always looking for the next mistake in your husband or wife?
Let's talk about the tongue. The Bible tells us in Prov 18:21 that the tongue is so powerful, you can either bring to life or destroy with your tongue alone! You will eat the fruit of whatever you speak. What have you been confessing over and to your spouse? Life? Death? Perhaps it's time to do some introspection and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how your rebellion has been affecting your spouse.
Maybe you've been hurt by your husband or wife. Maybe even betrayed. But fighting rebellion with rebellion is not the answer. We fight rebellion with obedience to God. That means, you do what the Bible says - forgive, work on yourself, don't judge, control your tongue.
When I do my part by working on my rebellion, I give God the space to fight on my behalf and work on my spouse as He sees fit. God sees the wrong done to you - but you must learn to trust His plan. Take a moment today and repent for how your rebellion has affected your spouse and forgive your spouse for the wrongs they have done to you. Let's not fight rebellion with rebellion any more.
Evelyn Monteiro