How much is fear affecting your actions and behavior right now? Fear is a filter. It affects how your brain perceives, how it receives messages, handles situations and circumstances. According to 1 John 4:18, fear is a mindset, we expect punishment and we can't understand God's love for us when we are consumed with fear. According to Rom12:2 our minds should be renewed so that we can discern God's will. But when we are consumed in our thoughts by fear, that's not possible. Phil 4:6-7 shows how fear and the mind affect one another: "do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything by prayer, continue to make your requests know to God. And the peace of God, will guard over your heart and MINDS." We should not be having fear control our minds. Fear should not be the deciding factor in making decisions. Fear should not be the driving force behind your functioning, strategizing, planning, discerning and executing instructions.
Why is it, that there are so many scriptures in the Bible that tells us not to fear, not to worry about tomorrow, yet, that' is exactly what we do? Why is it that we find it so hard sometimes, to trust God as we should? We are allowing fear in our minds, to dictate our behavior. Luke 12:22-26 shows us that by worrying, it adds nothing to our lives. In fact, to worry, makes things worse. It brings no solution.
Science shows us that fear in the mind is so powerful, that it sends wrong messages to our bodies, with in turn, becomes health issues! Fear affects even our health! But is doesn't have to be this way! We must take control of fear when these thoughts come! When thoughts of doubt, unbelief, condemnation, being hard on yourself, comparing yourself, thoughts of depression - we must fight these thoughts. Fear makes us passive and we don't step out in faith. When you should take action, you don't.
So, how do we fight fear in our minds? We have to focus more on Jesus! We have to fill our minds with the Word of God because faith comes by the Word of God! The mind who stays on God, is the mind that has peace! (Is 26:3) We have to take our thoughts captive and do what God's Word tells us to do and walk in the Spirit, walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 10:3-6). We look too much at the things we see, what is going on around us and what people are saying and not what God says.
Fear comes to all of us. But we have a choice as to whether or not we let it affect our minds. And if you have, it's not the end: you can fight it and replace it with faith. Fill your mind with everything concerning Jesus!
Evelyn Monteiro