An alabaster jar was made of the alabaster stone to keep ointments, oils and perfumes in. It kept the oils and perfumes pure and unspoiled. In Matt 26:6-13 a woman anointed Jesus with perfume that was kept in such a jar. She had to break it. It was filled with very expensive perfume, equivalent to a year's wages. What happened? She got rebuked for doing it! In the most holy and vulnerable moment, she was being rebuked, not by unbelievers, but by the disciples themselves! But she did something that they did not understand.
It took TOTAL commitment for her to have broken that jar with all that perfume inside, not knowing how Jesus would respond. But Jesus saw her heart. She gave her all, no matter what others would say. It pleased Jesus.
She didn't use some of it, she used ALL of it. She did not compromise. This is what pleases our God. You and I must be like this woman was. YOU are that alabaster jar.
The most precious gift you can give Jesus is:
- TOTAL commitment
- Giving God your all, no matter what people will say
- Not compromising with sin, but total obedience
When we live like this, we can expect retaliation. Not from unbelievers, but believers themselves! What people don't understand, they criticize.
People will call you "extra" or "over the top" or "you're wasting your time". But Jesus saw her heart and her story was written for generations to read about.
She had everything to lose and she was willing to do it for Him. Let's give Jesus our best, no matter what we go through, no matter what people will say. Let's give Jesus everything, nothing off limits, putting Him in control of everything. Let's sacrifice for Jesus, be obedient even when it's hard, willing to give up things we love, if it shows our commitment and trust in Him.
No one said to love Him would be easy - but it will be worth it.
Evelyn Monteiro