Things don't just happen. We must not just accept things in life. We have to ask questions, we have to investigate. Many believers today blame God for their problems because they don't understand what is really going on. But with understanding there is clarity and wisdom. The Bible makes it clear to us that most of our troubles are actually spiritually rooted! That means that most of your current problems are actually because of sin, because of the evil that is stealing, killing and destroying. But we find ourselves trying to solve spiritual problems in the flesh and we wonder why they problem doesn't go away?! We wonder why our prayers have no effect. That's because we don't pray the ROOT of the problem.
When you pray the root of the problem, meaning, when you address the real issue behind the issue, when you don't pray the symptoms only, but the root cause to the problem, then change will come!
So when the Holy Spirit brings something to your attention to deal with, it may not seem to you that this could be the solution to your problem. But what you don't realize, is that that very thing God tells you to deal with, is the very culprit responsible for you being in the situation you are in! Prov 4:23 "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." Our hearts and what we harbor in them, can be the root cause for our problems! Are you bitter? Are you offended? Are you angry? Are you jealous over someone else? Are you mean? Do you talk bad about others? It came from one place - your heart. Jesus said to people after He healed them: "Go and sin no more". Why is that? Because sin was the root of their sickness!
So how will you know the root of your problem? True repentance! When you take proper time to LISTEN while you pray and repent for the things that GOD shows you to repent for, the truth comes out and what does the Word say does the truth do? It sets you free from bondage (John 8:31-31)!
Therefore, when you pray about your problem or situation, instead of praying it away or praying how it makes you "feel", pray like this:
1. Repent. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what you are doing wrong. What doors you may be opening. What reoccurring sin is responsible for this issue. Ask Him to reveal to you if it's a curse or something you keep doing to give the enemy access like this
2. Obey. If you have to forgive, if you have to let go, if you have to go and make right with someone, do it. If you have to repent, do it with remorse, from your heart. If you have to do self-deliverance, do it. If it takes fasting and prayer, do it. Then, there's change. This is what it means to deal with the root of the problem.
Evelyn Monteiro