All of us want to hear the voice of God. There are many voices raging around us. Our circumstances, family, friends, opinions, advice given, the enemy and even our own thoughts.
How do we know it’s God speaking?
The only way we’ll know whether something is from God or not, is to know God! Having a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, is the most precious gift. We must know Him, talk with Him, respond to Him. This is how we learn to recognize His voice above all other voices. But the question I am asking you is: Do you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit?
Ask Yourself These Questions:
Do you acknowledge the Holy Spirit all the time? Do you have “communion”, “fellowship” with Him? (2 Cor 13:14). Do you know who He is? Is He your Friend?
Do you wait on the Holy Spirit to respond? Or do you do your own thing? Do you consult the Holy Spirit every day?
Do you have a personal relationship with Holy Spirit?
What does it mean to hear God?
To hear God means you are walking in the Spirit, meaning, you live a life not to gratify the flesh, but to please God in everything you do. To hear God, means you have relationship with the Holy Spirit. You pray over EVERYTHING and you consult Him, understanding that you cannot do anything without Him. This is what it means, to walk with the Lord. He consumes your life and thoughts. This is how we learn to know His voice above all else.
Just like a relationship, trust is built, respect and closeness come as you get to know the other person. In the same way, you have to get to know Holy Spirit as a Person. Learn to trust Him, to honor Him first above all else, spend time with Him. How else would you be able to say you know Him?! How else would you be able to know His voice?
Who is the Holy Spirit:
He is the Presence of God with me in Psalm 51:11. Who would we be, what will we become if not for His Presence?! God must be your everything!
He is your Helper (John 14:16/John 15:26)
In John 14:26 the Holy Spirit Teaches you all things, brings to remembrance what Jesus said.
In Ezekiel 36:27, He helps you to do what God is asking you to do.
He is your empowerment, enabler in
Acts 1:8 (you shall receive power when He comes upon you to do what you’re called to do).
He is the Giver of Gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:4. His gifts, enable you to be used as an instrument of God (give you the ability to prophesy, heal, do miracles, give words of knowledge, give words of wisdom).
He is the Spirit of Truth ind John 15:26/John 16:12-15/John 16:13.
He is the One that reveals, unveils, brings out into the open, exposes lies and deceit (1 Cor.2:10).
Your own heart can deceive you. He is the Only One who can search the heart and reveal to you what is truly going on (Psalm 139)
He is the anointing in Isaiah 61:1.
He is the anointing to preach, to heal, to set the captives free. You and I are only the vessels!
He is your Dream Interpreter in Genesis 41:15-16. The Holy Spirit gives you dreams! How can you interpret your dreams without Him?
He intercedes for you in Rom 8:26.
He strengthens you, He is the God who works behind the scenes
He is the One who gets you through trials (Rom 5:3-5).
He is the One that shapes, sculpts your character and brings you to maturity (Gal 5:22-23 = fruit of the Spirit).
He is the One who convicts and corrects you (John 16:7-15/Heb 9:14).
He is the One who teaches you about spiritual things (1 Cor 2:13, 1John 2:27).
He is the One who gives dreams and visions (Acts 2:17-18)
He is the One that transforms, He is the life-giving Spirit. Where there was death, He can bring back to life! (Rom 8:11-the same spirit that raised Jesus) (2 Cor 3:6).
Are you walking with the Lord? Do you acknowledge the Holy Spirit?
Cultivate a relationship with Holy Spirit: consult Him in everything! You have your part to play! God will always draw near to those who draw near to Him! Phil 4:6-7 teaches us to “pray about everything”. Then His Peace comes! Consult the Holy Spirit.
Learn to become sensitive to His leading and guiding. It doesn’t always happen when and how you expect it to. God has ways to speak to us we won’t always expect! He will use foolish things and strangers to speak to us and we must be ready to recognize it when He does.
Pray, wait, respond. To wait on God is not easy. It means to push in more, trust Him more. Don’t doubt, act in faith. God sees your heart intent. Our obedience to Him is our protection. God loves it when we respond to Him! Sometimes, we feel unsure, but He honors those who act instead of doing nothing. Give God something to work with. Don’t stay frozen in fear!
The key to hearing the voice of God, is to acknowledge the Holy Spirit and responding to His leading. The more you do this, the more you know His voice above all the others.
Evelyn Monteiro