Where does the Jezebel Spirit come from? We call a spirit a Jezebel spirit because of the characteristics of Jezebel in the Bible portrayed in 1 Kings 16-21. This spirit in her, destroyed people. We learn through this story, how a spirit, if not dealt with, can destroy one's life and affect those around you! This Jezebel spirit is not a "she". Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spirits (Eph 6:12). Whenever you refer to a spirit, it's an "it". They are spirits. Don't give them sexes. Let's speak correctly.
These are characteristics when a Jezebel spirit is present in you and you have to deal with it, before looking for it in others. It's the spirit that makes us passive Christians and what does a passive Christian look like: Acting immature, lacking in character, avoiding trials at all cost, don't take correction, lack of discernment.
You accept or allow what happens to you without any resistance, never questioning or investigating to see what is behind your situation, you just take it at face value and submissively yield to your circumstances, your emotions and the flesh. There are so many indicators and we need the Holy Spirit to reveal them to us so we can deal with it in Jesus Name.
It hides itself even behind things that seem innocent and good to keep your conscience clear and comfortable, and you are deceived in thinking that you're at a good place when you're not. You are never challenged and there's no growth.
Do you see beyond your situation? Do you know what's going on in your life right now? It's excellent in using seemingly innocent activities to waste our time! Sometimes even "spiritual" things! Did GOD tell you to be part of things, did you ask Him?
It makes you spiritually deaf and blind and you don't correctly hear the voice of Holy Spirit, you can be right one moment and miss it completely the next!
I am teaching you these things so that you can understand what satan uses against you and me. It's important that we know our enemy and not walk around ignorantly of the enemy's schemes as the Bible says. We must be vigilant and alert of the enemy's tactics.
We are not here only to work, retire and have a nice life. The enemy doesn't want us to be a threat to his kingdom. He doesn't want us to make a difference and live out our callings. This is the evil spirit that pacifies us so much, that we think we are good, when in fact, we are not. It deceives and pacifies.
Let's take note of these things and ask Jesus to deliver us when we see these indicators in us.
This evil spirit is also responsible for us not having identity. Your Identity is attacked, by the way you dress, comparing yourself, copying others, use someone else's revelations, teachings, never your own.
Do you ever become excessive in an area? Imbalanced In your appearance, health, children? Your time, labor and money goes into that thing that Jezebel keeps you preoccupied with! This happens when you do not consult the Holy Spirit, you just have your own interest at heart.
Jezebel targets your prayer life and authority. The devil doesn't want you to pray with authority and power, he wants you to be spiritually dull and lazy. (Luke 10:19 "I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy") James 5:16 "the fervent prayer of a righteous man has tremendous power (powerful & effective)" Fervent is passionate, intense, heartfelt, profound, fanatical. DO YOU PRAY THAT FERVENT PRAYER OR IS YOUR PRAYER LIFE PASSIVE?
Now that you know about the Jezebel spirit, you know what to look out for in yourself. Check yourself!
Father God, deliver me! Remove the spiritual passivity from me and fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit, that I will see Your truth and get my passion back to serve you with all my heart, in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro