When last did you forgive your spouse? Forgiveness is so important, and to forgive the way Jesus taught in Matthew 18:21-22 is not easy, but always a choice. But it was one morning during my prayer time, as I was busy forgiving people who offended me, that I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to ask myself the following question: “what about your husband?”
We’re always teaching people and preaching forgiveness, to let go of that offense, release those who have offended, angered and hurt us. But what about your spouse? We easily put it off, push it to the side and “move on” but do we really? Disappointment and resentment builds over time and one day we realize that our hearts have become hardened towards each other. We cannot allow unforgiveness to grow in our marriages.
Forgiveness is not easy. It doesn't take just praying it once or twice either. Forgiveness is a heart attitude and a decision we make. You’re never going to WANT to forgive, but you can always choose. Choose today to forgive your spouse for whatever they may have said or done that offended, angered and hurt you. Live a “70x7” marriage where you don’t allow a hardened heart to bring division. Forgive your spouse!
Evelyn Monteiro