Three things happen when we do not prepare our ground:
Sin is what separates us from God. Our hearts lead us to pray contrary to the will of God and our prayers will not be answered. What iniquities are hiding in your heart? Is it unforgiveness? Greed? Lust? Anger?
The good news is that God is always, always willing to help! All we have to do is go to Him, not run away from Him. Pray, ask God to show you what's in your heart. Repent and start the process of forgiving those who have hurt, offended and betrayed you.
Rhyan Monteiro
Christianity lies in our heart. Proverbs 4 says that above all else we must guard our hearts, because out of it flows the issues of life! Your heart is a farmland where the Seed, the Word of God, is sown and depending on how we cultivate, prepare, our hearts is to the degree that we will produce fruit. Have you prepared your heart before reading your Bible? Do you prepare your heart before listening or watching a sermon?