God has given you authority, His Word, His Holy Spirit, everything we need to stand firm and live a life of victory! Let us not give satan an opportunity to have access. Are you looking at images you are not supposed to look at? Are you holding on to bitterness towards people who have hurt or disappointed you? You have the power, you have the anointing. Stand firm, resist the devil, and he WILL flee from you!
Evelyn Monteiro
The Bible teaches us in John 8:44 that satan is a master of deception! How many thoughts aren't we believing and confessing over our lives and they're lies of the enemy? Satan is an opportunist. Ephesians 4:27 tells us not to give the devil an opportunity to lead you into sin by holding a grudge. We give him access when we do not deal with the issues in our hearts. He counts on our ignorance and weaknesses. What are you harboring in your heart that is opening a door to the enemy?
It's not something we're always aware of, but we have an enemy who wants to destroy us. The Bible is very clear in 1 Peter 5:8 that we have an enemy who is looking for an opportunity to steal from us. The truth of the matter is, our enemy knows us better than we know him. As children of God we are supposed to be vigilant and alert! God wants us to recognize those traps that the enemy uses to keep us in bondage, deal with them, so we can enter into what God has planned for us. It is because we do not know our adversary, we do not recognize his methods, his lies, and we remain in bondage.