I have a sign up in my office that reads: Worrier or Warrior?
There's a big difference between the two! A worrier is someone that gets consumed by his circumstance. Even in the way he prays, it's more a hope than a belief that God will answer him. But a warrior is someone that moves forward, presses onward in spite of that feeling. Do you think a warrior does not get scared? Of course they do! But they don't allow the worry to consume them. I want to be a warrior. It's someone that prays with faith and trust in his God.
"What if..." is a terrible phrase for a child of God to live by. Maybe you don't realize it, but many of us live by that philosophy: "What if it doesn't work out? What if the deal falls through? What if I don't get the promotion? What if it doesn't happen tomorrow?" Just typing this makes me nervous and tense! Where is God in the "What if"? He's not there. "What if" wants to tell you that Jesus will maybe come through for you, maybe not. "What if" wants you to believe that God is a good God, but only when He wants to be.
"What if" is a liar. Fear is a liar. Worry is a liar.
There are many, many verses where God is telling us not to worry. So my question is: Why do we worry? Because we don't trust Jesus enough. We don't really give Him our problem, our situation. We don't truly put Him in charge. Why will He ever leave you?
Choose to be a Warrior and not a Worrier! Choose to be someone that trusts his God and not be the one that walks around with his burden, hoping God will answer. He says He WILL! He WILL come through for you! He WILL answer you! He WILL make your crooked paths straight! He WILL!
I want to tell you today: give your burden to Jesus. He is giving you an invitation to give Him your burden. What is burdening you? Your health? Your marriage? Your children? Your work situation? Your finances? Pray with me right now:
Jesus, I choose today, to cast this burden onto You! I surrender this worry right now! I refuse to be a worrier, I choose to be a warrior! I will trust You in spite of how I feel and Your peace is filling me now, In Jesus Name. Amen
There's nothing more precious than the peace that Jesus gives.
Evelyn Monteiro