Now that you know, from reading my first book on dream interpretation, that God uses dreams to warn us, instruct us, teach and promise us, you need to up your understanding of this language God uses to speak. In the first book, I taught you about the four types of dreams we find in Scripture, what they mean and what our response should be to these dreams.
In this book, I’m taking it a step further. I’m teaching you what God is revealing to you, how to recognize such revelations, why He’s showing you these things and what to do about it.
God uses dreams to teach us about our adversary, and to reveal to us what tactics the enemy is using against us that are keeping us in bondage.
Regardless of the type of dreams you have, the warning, the instruction, teaching or promise, they are all revelations that you needed to learn.
There’s NOTHING God has not spoken to me about through dreams. In the same way, God is interested in everything about you!
For example: God uses dreams to reveal our hearts to us. Do you know what is really going on in your heart? Do you know its true condition? God is giving you protection, healing and direction, showing you a way out through giving you revelations in dreams!
This journey that God has taken me on concerning dreams and helping believers understand them have given me an even deeper passion for my Savior! The details, wisdom and love that God shows in every dream He gives you are immeasurable!
With every book I am again and again amazed at what God can do in our lives when we make the decision to pay attention to our dreams!
Evelyn Monteiro