Do you have special occasions that you celebrate? Birthdays, Graduations, Achievements? Have you ever stopped to think why we celebrate special occasions? Every time we celebrate something, we are reminiscing on what was achieved. You are enjoying the result of toiling, working hard, sacrificing to get the result that finally came. Have you ever wondered why the Bible speaks so much about the importance of having joy in your heart?
Let me teach you something: the devil wants you to forget what God has done for you! If you don't celebrate a breakthrough, a change, a healing, it's easy to just move along and forget what God has done for you! Then, when challenges come, doubt can creep in much easier because you never walked in the light of your testimony - you never celebrated and acknowledged what God did and doubt gets to enter your heart and mind!
Joy is a fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22), it strengthens us in difficult times (James 1:2), it's good for our health (Prov 17:22), it gives us hope (Rom 15:13). When you celebrate, you are showing your enemy, the devil, and unbelievers around you, that your God is real and powerful! In fact, the Bible says in Revelations 12:11 that we overcome the devil with the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony!
In our home, we look for opportunities to celebrate God's goodness all the time! It reminds us of how good God is to us no matter the challenges we might be facing! We remind ourselves that God is always busy behind the scenes - healing us, fighting for us, delivering us and changing us!
How do we celebrate? Anything from a cappuccino with extra cream to eating out of our prettiest plates at supper as we reflect and testify on what God did that day! It doesn't have to cost you money, you can celebrate and remind yourself over a glass of water what God has done for you! That water will taste even sweeter! Just don't let an opportunity to celebrate Jesus pass you by!
I'm telling you, child of God, DON'T LET THE DEVIL STEAL YOUR JOY! Look for opportunities to celebrate God's goodness in your life! Don't give him a chance to cause you to doubt your healing, breakthrough, deliverance! You conquer him by the word of your testimony!
We all face challenges, trials, tribulation, but Jesus said: "Take heart, be of good cheer! I have overcome the world!" Stir that joy within you! Celebrate what Jesus does for you and you will see how even more blessings and favor will overtake you! Deut 28:2 "All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the Lord your God!" Go on now! Go celebrate what Jesus has done for you lately!
Pray with me:
Thank You Jesus! I celebrate what You are doing in my life! I celebrate my healing, my deliverance, my breakthrough! The devil will not steal my joy from me! I have peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and all the blessings God has for me are chasing me and overtaking me, In Jesus Name! Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro