When a parent tells his child to be careful or issue a warning, it's because it's for the protection of that child. In the same way, when God instructs us in His Word, or issues a warning, it's because in obeying it, we will be protected. But when we don't do what God warns us not to do, how can we be safe?
We all get frustrated. But the Bible warns us clearly about anger and frustration and therefore there are many reasons why we should not give in to these emotions:
God showed me, that each time I allow anger and frustration to fester, to linger, I'm opening a door to the enemy to do as he wills in my life! I give the devil an access point to enter my heart and life! What then? Weeks, months, maybe even years only down the line do I realize something is wrong in my life and I don't understand why I'm in such bondage! All because I don't keep my anger, frustration under control!
It is not the character of Christ to give in to these emotions. The only anger we must have is anger towards evil and sin, and even in that, we must rest in the fact that God will fight for us!
Anger can lead to many other evil actions: rebellion, spitefulness, being judgmental, opinionated, critical of others, hasty decision making, hardness of heart, pride...The list goes on and on. This is what the Bible means when it says that anger opens the door to even more trouble. When you start showing all these characteristics, you are getting into more bondage. It affects everything - finances, marriage, relationships, your children, your career, even your health. Most importantly, it separates us from God!
I urge you, son and daughter of God, don't allow anger and frustration, even in the smallest of things to linger in you! The moment something in your day is causing you frustration, immediately take charge! Immediately rebuke anger and tell it to leave your heart in Jesus Name!
Let's pray: Whatever anger, whatever frustration wants to linger in me, I tell it to go in Jesus Name! Whatever door I've opened through being frustrated, Jesus I ask You to forgive me and close any opening I may have caused through my anger! In Jesus Name I pray! Amen
Evelyn Monteiro