Jesus Christ never said that we would not face challenges or difficulties in this world. In fact, He said in John 6:33 NIV “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
This should give us great comfort to not let our difficulties steal our peace or our joy because Jesus Christ is aware of the troubles we are facing now and what we will face in the future. He did not tell us that we will face challenges to make us afraid, anxious or worried about the future, but so that we will have peace and comfort in the midst of the storm.
Satan wants to use the troubles we face so that we will curse and reject God. So that we will see God in a bad light and start murmuring and complaining against Him. Unfortunately, many today have forsaken their faith because they failed to realize that hardships are part of life here on the earth. Many “Christians” say things like; “Why are innocent men, women & children being murdered? Why are there natural disasters, great poverty and suffering? Why are people dying to terrible diseases like cancer? If God is good, why does He permit these things?”
They say these things as if God Himself is the author of these atrocities. Did Jesus Christ not say that He came to bring life and life in abundance? Did Jesus Christ not say that satan is the one who has come to steal, kill and destroy and the he is the father of lies? And did Jesus Christ not die a brutal death on the Cross for the salvation of our souls showing His tremendous love and compassion to all mankind? So then, why do “Christians” query the goodness of God?
Just because we are Christians does not mean we will not face times of hardship, suffering or hatred. Just because we are God’s beloved children does not mean we are exempt from the difficulties of life. Look at the life of Job… God Almighty Himself said about Job that “There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” And yet he experienced tremendous suffering, hardship, sickness and loss at the hands of satan. However, in the end God restored double what was taken from Job!
Take Courage!! God will not leave you where you are at. He will not allow satan to destroy your life! Your time of hardship and suffering is just for a short while. The Apostle Paul encouraged us in 2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT “So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.” Let’s set our eyes on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is compassionate and merciful; making a way out for you.
Don’t allow your circumstances to push you away from God. Don’t allow your difficulties to cause you to curse God. Instead, use them as a tool to draw closer to God in love and in faith. Let your troubles ignite a lifestyle of prayer and total dependence on God for everything and you will see the salvation of your God like never before!!
Rhyan Monteiro