We are not called to look within ourselves to see how much faith we have, but to look unto God, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. It’s not that we – children of God – don’t have power, because the Word of God clearly says that when we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit we have power (Acts 1:8).
The problem is that we lack the necessary faith to release that power.
The measure of faith we have, is the measure of Heavenly grace we enjoy. You see, faith is our Heavenly currency and in order for us to grow in faith we need to know the faithfulness and trustworthiness of God. If we pay attention to God’s word, faith comes naturally.
The more we look at God, look to God and meditate on God’s Word day and night, the more we will learn that faith comes naturally. When we realise that God is reliable, our faith will grow. If we do this sincerely with ALL OF OUR HEART, we will go to another level of faith.
Faith is a trust that arises out of the fact that Jesus Christ, is honest, trustworthy, reliable and stable.
Jesus is the only One who is the same yesterday, today and forever! By making the Word of God the standard for our lives and being obedient to it with ALL OF OUR HEART, we will be able to release the power given to us.
Growing in faith is not a matter of reading your bible from Genesis to Revelation, looking for faith.
Because many of us read our bible several times a year and yet we don’t have faith. One of the
secrets to growing in faith is that whatever we do with God, we must do it with ALL OF OUR
That means the Word of God can’t just be head-knowledge, but must take root in our heart – our spirit.
When we truly forgive, serve and love from our heart, this is when we truly act on the Word of God and faith grows naturally.
Give God all of your worries, cares and anxieties. If you have an offense or any pain from past hurts, ask God to help you to genuinely forgive and let go, so that you can serve God with ALL OF YOUR HEART.
Let’s Pray:
Father, help us to do everything from a sincere and committed heart. Forgive us where we have not truly forgiven, served, loved or read our bibles from our hearts.
Lord Jesus, purify our hearts so that we can truly grow in faith in Jesus Name. Amen.
Rhyan Monteiro