It's my confidence in Jesus' abilities that heal me. It's my trust in what He promised me in His Word that build me up in difficult times. Faith is not a feeling. Sometimes I wish it was, so that I can know if my "faith tank" is on low or high, but to be a child of God is not about emotion, but a heart decision and commitment in good and bad times.
When you and I say: "I have faith in God", we are choosing to put aside how we feel and what we see and trusting Jesus to come through for us. I speak, act and think as if it has already happened because I trust in His abilities and what He has said.
There are many Christians who base their Christianity on emotion and not on faith. This is why when things get tough, they reject God or curse Him. It's not easy to hear, but faith takes showing commitment! It's not always easy to trust God when everything around is screaming fear and negativity at us! It's not easy to speak holiness when you feel like cursing and complaining! But this is what faith requires of us!
Jesus told the woman with the issue of blood that her faith in Him has made her well. Do you realize that she showed commitment by crawling on the ground amongst all the people pushing and shoving Jesus - it was chaos! But she was determined! She was not going to leave without a touch from her Savior!
You and I must be this way. We must be relentless! "keep on knocking, keep on asking" we read in Matthew 7, until our breakthrough comes!
She had faith in who Jesus was, His abilities and His promise that He heals and saves. She pushed in and through.
I'm teaching you that faith is showing commitment. The men and women of faith in the Bible trusted God and had a boldness and were relentless. I'm asking you: do you want to be next level? Do you want to be known as a man or woman of faith who is not deterred by what they see or feel?
It's time for you and me to not be "emotional christians" but we make a commitment to be men and women of faith, not influenced by what we see or feel, but be influenced by faith! Because that is what pleases God and makes Him move!
Pray with me:
Lord Jesus, just like the woman with the issue of blood, I am showing my commitment! I refuse to be deterred by my circumstances and by how I feel! I will trust You. I trust Your abilities and Your promises to me in Your Word. In Jesus Name. Amen
Evelyn Monteiro