There are many, many details in every single dream you receive from God! I find myself going back to my former dreams and I see what God has been showing me what was to come, what to get ready for, what to pray against or what to pray through! Regardless of the type of dream you had, there are revelations in there for you to discover and respond to.
Why does God do this?
- Revelations give us protection (Prov 3:21023)
- Revelations give us direction (Prov 4:18-19)
- Revelations give us healing (Prov 4:22)
- Revelations keep us from sin (Prov 7:2-5)
- Revelations from God promote us (Prov 4:8)
It is through these details in dreams that God show us how involved He truly is. It is also then that we realize how much we need God in every area of our lives! Satan is using cycles of sin to keep us in bondage and God uses dreams and the revelations in these dreams to show us what these sins are that satan is using against us!
God has used dreams to show me bloodline curses that were still in my life! It was through dreams that God revealed what issues I still needed to deal with in my heart, who I needed to forgive! The question is: What will you do with these revelations? Will you respond to God? Will you take the time and effort to change and get freed from that bondage in your life?
Revelation promotes us - meaning, it takes us from where we are now, to the next level! More maturity, more wisdom, more understanding, more clarity and more anointing! Isn't that what we want as children of God?
God is giving you a way out in a dream, He is warning you of things on the way, He is telling you what to do to get your breakthrough and He's imparting into your spirit what you need for the future He planned for you! But are you paying attention? Are you praying over your dreams and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you everything He is showing you?
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth - He reveals, brings out into the open, what was in darkness, He brings to the light! HE is the One that interprets and teaches us!
Pray with me: Holy Spirit, reveal to me those things satan is using against me in my life! I want to be free and walk with confidence the road You have laid out for me! In Jesus Name! Amen
Evelyn Monteiro