We have all experienced it and it's something we will always face until Jesus comes - being rejected. But, it doesn't have to affect us anymore. What others think about you, doesn't have to bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself and who God made you to be. Rejection is a tool the enemy uses to keep us believing lies about ourselves that we are "not worthy" or "not good enough" or "there's something wrong with me". The truth is, rejection holds you back and keeps the good things out. Rejection causes a broken spirit. Proverbs 18:14 says "The will to live sustains you when you're sick, but depression crushes courage and leaves you unable to cope." We become too consumed with what others think about us, so when rejection comes from those closest to us, we give in to depression and it breaks us. Condemnation follows and we believe things about ourselves that are not even true. We find it hard to believe a prophecy or a promise in the Word of God because we "don't deserve it".
This is why forgiveness is such a powerful weapon! The moment you choose to forgive that person that rejected you and made you feel unworthy, God lifts our spirits again and He removes that pain! When we don't forgive, that rejection becomes bitterness! Ephesians 4:26 warns us that if we allow these things to fester, we are giving satan an open door to our lives.
People's opinions and praises will always change. Someone can be your friend today and be your enemy tomorrow. But God never fails! God never leaves your side! There's nothing you can do that will ever make Him love you less! Unconditional love is the opposite of rejection and that is what God offers you!
Spite, hardness of heart, anger, rebellion, manipulation are all fruits of a heart filled with rejection. Do you recognize some of these fruits in your own life?
Even when correction comes your way, it's hard for you to accept because it makes you feel like you are being rejected. You need to deal with that hurt. God is the only One who can take that pain away. Please agree with me now as I pray for you:
Jesus, I forgive that person who made me feel rejected, not good enough. I choose today to let this go. I don't want it anymore! I rebuke this root of rejection in my life! I will not allow this cycle to ruin my life! I declare this today in Jesus Name! Amen
Evelyn Monteiro