This is something that creeps onto us without us even knowing it. It deceives, makes us think it's humility when in actual fact it makes us believe lies. You have been condemning yourself and you may not even know it! You have taken failures, disappointments and set back personally and blamed yourself for all of it, believing things that are not even true. But what you have failed to remember is that you have an enemy who is set out against you to fail, get disappointed and wrong to be done to you. It was NEVER all up to you, yet you took it all upon yourself and now you blame yourself for all the setbacks and disappointments in your life. Sound familiar?
Remember, satan is the father of lies and he knows that as long as he can keep you believing lies, he can control and manipulate you! But God does not condemn - He convicts. The difference? Conviction reveals, corrects, give direction and hope, there's no self-hatred but there is forgiveness, mercy and grace! Micah 7:18 says that God delights Himself in showing mercy and James 2:13 teaches us that mercy triumphs over judgement (condemnation).
You don't have to condemn yourself every time you make a mistake! 1 John 2:1 says that Jesus is our Advocate, fighting on our behalf! I can come boldly, sinner as I am to His throne of Grace! There is nothing that can separate me from the love of God (Rom 8:31)! As far as the east is from the west, that's how far He has removed my transgressions from me (Psalm 103:12)! Does that sound like condemnation? No! Anything apart from these, are condemnation that leads to self-hatred!
Let us pray now and ask Jesus to forgive us for condemning ourselves when He already paid the price for us so we don't have to live that way! And as we do that, we trust and know that He will replace that condemnation with His forgiveness and grace!
Jesus, forgive me for allowing condemnation in my heart! I have been believing lies and it holds me back! Forgive me Jesus! Now, Holy Spirit, please fill me with Your forgiveness, mercy and grace and show me Your unconditional love for me, in Jesus Name. Amen
Evelyn Monteiro