Meditation on God's Word brings Revelation. What does that mean? The Word of God is like a mustard seed - it's the smallest of all the seeds, but when it grows, it becomes the largest of all the garden plants with such big branches that the birds can make nests and live under it's shade. To the world, the Word of God seems insignificant, but we know it is powerful. As we get the Word of God in our hearts, our spirits, over time, it will grow. We discover who God is, how much He loves us, we learn His ways and experience His mighty works.
Meditate on who Jesus is for one moment. He, the Lord God Almighty, gave up His glory in Heaven, became a man and walked the earth. He was hated, cruelly beaten, ridiculed and mocked. He was put to death. He shed His Blood so that we won't be judged and punished for our sins. He disarmed the principles and evil powers. Jesus rose, went back to Heaven, but never left us alone. He sent His Holy Spirit, our Advocate, Strengthener and Intercessor. If He was willing to do all of that, how much more will He not freely give us all things - help, protection, deliverance, healing, provision!
Why am I talking to you about meditating on the Word of God? How can you trust someone that you do not know? The only way we get to know God is through His Word and by His Spirit! He will not leave you without an answer. He will not leave you without a solution. Don't doubt God's willingness and ability to help you! There is no sickness He cannot heal, there is no disease He cannot cure and there is no problem He cannot solve.
Rhyan Monteiro