What has been happening this past week in South Africa, was devastating. It was fearful, and the repercussions of these actions in its magnitude must still be seen as we pick up the pieces. I was reminded of the piece of scripture in Mark 14 when Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. He asked the disciples to keep wake with Him while He went to pray. But they fell asleep. When Jesus found them asleep He said to them:
"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
This is what I believe God is saying to all of us believers here in South Africa:
We must keep praying! God has spoken so many things, so many utterances, so many warnings ahead of time. It is our duty to take what God has spoken and promised and pray it through! We have an enemy that wants us to "fall asleep" and not care. Let us not make that same mistake again! As we prayed this week, we must continue to push in for our country! What we see in the natural is just the fruit of hidden issues.
When we pray, we become vigilant and alert. When we pray, it's easier for us to know what God is showing us is coming next and what to prepare for.
Are we faithful with the words God has given us? Do we continue to pray? Jesus was troubled that night in the Garden of Gethsemane, He wanted them to watch and pray, but they did not. What we experienced and saw in South Africa was troubling and we stood together as the Body, and we watched and prayed. But...
We cannot stop now! God has now given more warnings through His prophets that there are underlying motives still hiding and it can flare up at any given moment. But I am here to encourage you as well! We serve THE ALMIGHTY GOD! There's nothing He cannot restore, nothing He cannot heal, nothing He cannot renew. We have to put our complete trust in Him that His mighty Hand will move! What the enemy used to destroy, He will bring back to life!
Please pray with me now as we continue to watch and pray:
Father, thank You! Thank You that You did not let us down! We praise You! Thank You that You continue to speak to us! Now we ask, help us to watch and pray! Help us to continue to pray for our country because You are the only One that can redeem us, renew and transform us! We need You Father! We need Your guidance! Have mercy on us! Deliver us from these attacks that want to destroy! In Jesus Name! Amen
Evelyn Monteiro