Do you know the story of Blind Bartimaeus? There’s something very significant you must see (revelation) in this story. Bartimaeus was a blind beggar sitting beside the road, day in, day out. The Bible says he heard Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, but he didn’t call on Jesus of Nazareth, he said: “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Why did he say those words?
He knew, he had the revelation on who Jesus really was! When he called “Son of David” he understood that Jesus was the Messiah foretold! He knew that Jesus was the Healer and Deliverer! Even though he was physically blind, he knew and saw who Jesus was and because of that revelation, it caught Jesus’ attention and he received his healing! That is the power of revelation! Revelation opens the door to healing!
Many times, when I pray for people for physical healing, God gives me a word of knowledge so that the healing can take place! The revelation opens the door to healing! Not just physical, but emotional healing too! What about curses? God showed me through a revelation dream that there’s a curse I needed to break over my life! Because of the revelation, breakthrough came just like it did for Bartimaeus!
Something else I want you to notice about this story found in Mark 10:46-52, is that when Bartimaeus was shouting out to Jesus, many people were rebuking him, telling him to keep quiet. But Bartimaeus was persistent! He fought for his breakthrough until he got it!
That is what you and I should do. We must have the same persistence, hunger, until we get our breakthrough. If you are noticing a cycle in your life, it is the Holy Spirit bringing it to your attention! He is revealing to you what the root of your problem is!
Revelation = Healing!
Revelation = Breakthrough!
Don’t stop until you get your breakthrough! The enemy will always try to tell you to “keep quiet”, meaning, give up, it’s not working, nothing is going to change, it’s all for nothing. That’s a lie!
Remember, satan is the father of lies! Ask the Holy Spirit, the One who gives revelation, to show you what you need to see like Bartimaeus saw and get your breakthrough!
When you pray with me now, mean it from your heart! Don't let Jesus, Son of David, pass you by! Ask for your revelation and let Him heal you!
Pray with me:
Holy Spirit, Spirit of Revelation, open my eyes to see! Let me receive my revelation! show me the root of my problem! Let me see what I need to be freed from! Show me the lies I've been believing! I know that what You reveal, You WILL heal! I will have my revelation and I will have my breakthrough! Thank you for opening my eyes, In Jesus Name , Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro