By Evelyn Monteiro January 27, 2025
Things don't just happen. We must not just accept things in life. We have to ask questions, we have to investigate. Many believers today blame God for their problems because they don't understand what is really going on. But with understanding there is clarity and wisdom. The Bible makes it clear to us that most of our troubles are actually spiritually rooted! That means that most of your current problems are actually because of sin, because of the evil that is stealing, killing and destroying. But we find ourselves trying to solve spiritual problems in the flesh and we wonder why they problem doesn't go away?! We wonder why our prayers have no effect. That's because we don't pray the ROOT of the problem.
By Evelyn Monteiro January 20, 2025
The biggest thing satan bargains on, is that we are passive spiritually. As long as we are spiritually passive, we just take whatever comes, believing it's God, when it was not and we were meant to fight it, resist it, stand firm against it. This is why spiritual passivity is so dangerous - the enemy can do with us whatever he wants to! We must learn and practice the weapons Jesus gave us so that we are worthy opponents and cause the devil's schemes to fail against us! The Bible tells us that satan and his demons are always scheming against us! Eph 6:11 and 2 Cor 2:11 "don't be ignorant of his schemes". Your enemy is always looking for opportunity to make us fail - 1 Peter 5:8. A scheme can be anything from depression, bloodline curses that have destroyed your family, sickness, constant setback, cycle of bad relationships, constant rejection. Is this what God says about you? Is this what God wants for you? Of course not! But we have our part to play!
By Evelyn Monteiro November 25, 2024
Each and everyone of us have the right to hear God through visions! If you accepted Jesus into your life, His Holy Spirit is in you, and He is the One who gives visions! You can see visions, understand them and respond to them because as God's sheep, we hear His voice and follow His instructions! Visions are not only in the form of pictures, did you know that? Visions can come in various forms because God speaks to all of us in a different way. My husband sees pictures all the time, whereas me, I get the impression of an image, meaning, I don't actually see a picture, but rather, have the thought of something which I know to be a vision. Let's look at some of the types of visions: - Thoughts: if I told you to envision a juicy, beautifully red strawberry, that is a form of vision! The thought came to you - Images: so clear and vivid as if you're seeing a picture in front of you - Moving Images: like a movie! - Trance: through a dream or even an out of body experience! (2 Cor 12:1-4 / Acts 10:11-15) - Hearing: just like young Samuel hearing the voice of God so vividly, he thought Eli was calling him!
By Evelyn Monteiro November 10, 2024
This is such an important topic to me as a minister of the Gospel, because I have seen this too many times: people want to hear from God through people and not for themselves. There should be a balance! God should always be the first One you run to before you run to people for advice. To use people, is just ONE of the methods God uses to speak to you and me. And it is so special when it happens! But make sure it is not the only way you "hear" God for your life! Don't run after events or personal prayer from another - there's so much you are missing out on because God speaks to us in so many ways! This, being just one of them: through wise counsel.
By Evelyn Monteiro November 4, 2024
To hear God, is to have a personal relationship with His Holy Spirit. Did you know that God is speaking to you constantly about what you are facing? He never leaves us where we are at! In fact, He even uses your current situation to speak to you, train you for your calling and to prepare you for the great future He planned for you! There is something to learn, to reflect upon, through your circumstance. When things get tough, we want to pray them away, but this is not Biblical! Jesus said we would face troubles but to take heart! The life of a believer is one of prayer! We cannot go through what we're going through successfully, without prayer! Phil 4 says we must pray over everything! This way, we will be ready for anything and we'll be able to hear God in the midst of challenges. Isn't that what we want? We read about the "tent of meeting" in Ex 33:7-11. Did you know that this tent wasn't only for Moses? Anyone could go there and meet with the Lord (verse 7). But the people chose to watch Moses enter the tent, waiting for him to hear on their behalf! What a waste!
By Evelyn Monteiro November 4, 2024
All of us want to hear the voice of God. There are many voices raging around us. Our circumstances, family, friends, opinions, advice given, the enemy and even our own thoughts. How do we know it’s God speaking? The only way we’ll know whether something is from God or not, is to know God! Having a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, is the most precious gift. We must know Him, talk with Him, respond to Him. This is how we learn to recognize His voice above all other voices. But the question I am asking you is: Do you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit? Ask Yourself These Questions: Do you acknowledge the Holy Spirit all the time? Do you have “communion”, “fellowship” with Him? ( 2 Cor 13:14 ). Do you know who He is? Is He your Friend? Do you wait on the Holy Spirit to respond? Or do you do your own thing? Do you consult the Holy Spirit every day? Do you have a personal relationship with Holy Spirit? What does it mean to hear God? To hear God means you are walking in the Spirit, meaning, you live a life not to gratify the flesh, but to please God in everything you do. To hear God, means you have relationship with the Holy Spirit. You pray over EVERYTHING and you consult Him, understanding that you cannot do anything without Him. This is what it means, to walk with the Lord. He consumes your life and thoughts. This is how we learn to know His voice above all else. Just like a relationship, trust is built, respect and closeness come as you get to know the other person. In the same way, you have to get to know Holy Spirit as a Person. Learn to trust Him, to honor Him first above all else, spend time with Him. How else would you be able to say you know Him?! How else would you be able to know His voice?
By Evelyn Monteiro October 23, 2024
Where does the Jezebel Spirit come from? We call a spirit a Jezebel spirit because of the characteristics of Jezebel in the Bible portrayed in 1 Kings 16-21 . This spirit in her, destroyed people. We learn through this story, how a spirit, if not dealt with, can destroy one's life and affect those around you! This Jezebel spirit is not a "she". Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spirits ( Eph 6:12 ). Whenever you refer to a spirit, it's an "it". They are spirits. Don't give them sexes. Let's speak correctly. These are characteristics when a Jezebel spirit is present in you and you have to deal with it, before looking for it in others. It's the spirit that makes us passive Christians and what does a passive Christian look like: Acting immature, lacking in character, avoiding trials at all cost, don't take correction, lack of discernment. You accept or allow what happens to you without any resistance, never questioning or investigating to see what is behind your situation, you just take it at face value and submissively yield to your circumstances, your emotions and the flesh. There are so many indicators and we need the Holy Spirit to reveal them to us so we can deal with it in Jesus Name.
By Karen Aronstam October 21, 2024
Luke 6:35 "Love (unselfishly seek the best or higher good for) your enemies, and do good and lend, expecting nothing in return, for your reward will be great (rich, abundant)". There are so many motives and reasons that a person may have for giving - and it's natural for us to give, expecting something in return. It is unnatural for us to give, NOT expecting anything in return AND to give to our enemies?! That seems like an impossible task! It's hard enough sometimes to do good, much less to my enemies! But it all comes down to this: love. God's kind of love. True kindness is not possible without the love of Christ within you. It's only by this kind of love that we can give, without expecting anything in return.
By Evelyn Monteiro October 2, 2024
Everyone Should Pray For The Sick James 5:15 “and the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up” For all who believe, will receive! Mark 11:24 Healing is not bound to a “ministry”. Faith is all the qualification you need to receive healing and pray for others for healing! The Key To Answered Prayer 1 John 5:14 AMP “if we ask anything according to His will, (that is, consistent with His plan and purpose,) He hears us” The key to answered prayer is asking according to His will! The key to answered prayer is to pray according to Scripture! Mark 11:24 “whatever things you ask for in prayer (in accordance with God’s will), believe (with confident trust) that you have received them, and they will be given to you.” Praying God’s Will with Faith = Results! Praying for others: Is God leading you to pray a scripture? What is the Holy Spirit leading you to pray? What is God saying? Is it a bloodline curse or something they need to change in their diet? Be obedient even if it doesn’t make sense to you. How To Pray: An attitude of persistence draws God’s attention! Remember the widow in Luke 18? A widow persistently asking a judge for protection against her adversaries. The judge eventually gave the widow what she asked for because she was relentless! To the point of “intolerable annoyance”! This is the kind of faith that draws God’s attention to you! Don’t give up! Keep on knocking! “be unceasing & persistent in every situation” / “be thankful” , then you will see God’s hand move! 1 Thes 5:16-18
By Evelyn Monteiro October 2, 2024
Why is Jesus’ Name the Name above all Names? This is the key to using the Name of Jesus correctly – if you understand the authority, you will use it correctly & see results! It is the ONLY Name by which we can be saved and enter Heaven ( Acts 4:12/ John 14:6 ) The messenger of a king here on earth has great influence because he comes as a representative and speaks what the king told him to speak. You are that messenger! You have authority in the Name of Jesus! The King sent you on His behalf! Are you carrying yourself as a child of the King?
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God's instructions may not always make sense 

God may not always show you ten steps ahead 

Your breakthrough may not come when you want it or in the way you thought it would

But Jesus is still the Shepherd 

We choose to listen to Him

We choose to trust His Promises

We choose to obey no matter what

(John 10:27 "They hear My voice, they listen to Me, they follow Me.")

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We have books & merchandise! Our items are instructed by the Holy Spirit, prayed over and blessed. What better gift for yourself or to others than an item that is blessed? Every product serves a purpose and has its own unique message. And know that all the proceeds go towards helping those in need.

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Zayin is a Non-Profit Company and we have projects each month of the year where we give food and help families and other Non-Profits in need. We go only where God sends us and take your donation very seriously. This is how we, together with you, share Jesus with the world. Click the button below to find out how you can be part of what we do.

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Rhyan & Evelyn Monteiro

To Love, To Restore

This is our heart, that through our ministry, the children of God will experience the Love of their Heavenly Father and experience the joy of being healed and restored.

Functions as Apostle & Prophet
  • To Love, To Restore

  • Teaching The Word Of God

  • To Love, To Restore

  • Compassion for those in need

  • Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry

  • To See God's People Healed & Restored

  • Giving To The Poor Since 2008

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    Handing out food parcels for the past 8 years

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Zayin - Name Origin

Jeremiah 51:20 Amp

“You are My battle-axe and weapon of war.”

The name “Zayin” is the Hebrew word meaning “sharp weapon”. The root meaning of the Hebrew letter Zayin is also connected to Food and Sustenance.


Even though Zayin refers to a weapon, it also refers to nourishment, the same way in which God uses us – To expose darkness, bring deliverance as well as healing and restoration through the teaching of the Word, Ministering to God's people and the charity work we do for the needy, homeless, widowed and orphans.

Our slogan is: To Love, To Restore. That is our heart, that through our ministry, the children of God will experience the Love of their Heavenly Father and experience the joy of being healed and restored.

Vol 1, Vol 2, Journal

Do you dream?

God is revealing to YOU!

Did you know there are hidden treasures in your dreams? There are revelations about yourself, your future, even your current situation that you did not even know about! The amount of revelations in your dreams will leave you astonished! God can reveal anything in dreams, from a repetitive cycle that has kept you in bondage, to what you can expect in your future.

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Zayin projects

Why must we give?

Take a moment and read what God has been doing as we share short revelations & testimonies on giving.

These messages will challenge you, encourage you & stir you to give to those in need.

If I Give With Motives (Not Love) I Gain Nothing


By Evelyn Monteiro January 27, 2025
Things don't just happen. We must not just accept things in life. We have to ask questions, we have to investigate. Many believers today blame God for their problems because they don't understand what is really going on. But with understanding there is clarity and wisdom. The Bible makes it clear to us that most of our troubles are actually spiritually rooted! That means that most of your current problems are actually because of sin, because of the evil that is stealing, killing and destroying. But we find ourselves trying to solve spiritual problems in the flesh and we wonder why they problem doesn't go away?! We wonder why our prayers have no effect. That's because we don't pray the ROOT of the problem.
By Evelyn Monteiro January 20, 2025
The biggest thing satan bargains on, is that we are passive spiritually. As long as we are spiritually passive, we just take whatever comes, believing it's God, when it was not and we were meant to fight it, resist it, stand firm against it. This is why spiritual passivity is so dangerous - the enemy can do with us whatever he wants to! We must learn and practice the weapons Jesus gave us so that we are worthy opponents and cause the devil's schemes to fail against us! The Bible tells us that satan and his demons are always scheming against us! Eph 6:11 and 2 Cor 2:11 "don't be ignorant of his schemes". Your enemy is always looking for opportunity to make us fail - 1 Peter 5:8. A scheme can be anything from depression, bloodline curses that have destroyed your family, sickness, constant setback, cycle of bad relationships, constant rejection. Is this what God says about you? Is this what God wants for you? Of course not! But we have our part to play!
By Evelyn Monteiro November 25, 2024
Each and everyone of us have the right to hear God through visions! If you accepted Jesus into your life, His Holy Spirit is in you, and He is the One who gives visions! You can see visions, understand them and respond to them because as God's sheep, we hear His voice and follow His instructions! Visions are not only in the form of pictures, did you know that? Visions can come in various forms because God speaks to all of us in a different way. My husband sees pictures all the time, whereas me, I get the impression of an image, meaning, I don't actually see a picture, but rather, have the thought of something which I know to be a vision. Let's look at some of the types of visions: - Thoughts: if I told you to envision a juicy, beautifully red strawberry, that is a form of vision! The thought came to you - Images: so clear and vivid as if you're seeing a picture in front of you - Moving Images: like a movie! - Trance: through a dream or even an out of body experience! (2 Cor 12:1-4 / Acts 10:11-15) - Hearing: just like young Samuel hearing the voice of God so vividly, he thought Eli was calling him!
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