Some of my most memorable moments with Jesus were the ones I did not see coming. At the most unexpected moments, Jesus touched my heart, my life and I was never to be the same again. It makes me think of the woman at the well in John 4. A Samaritan woman came to a well to draw water when Jesus was resting there. Ignoring him because He was a Jew, she nearly missed out on the greatest moment of her life! So often we get 'busy' or we 'don't have time' and we get caught up with so many distractions. Jesus asked her a question but really, He was offering her something - living water. Jesus was showing her and is showing us today that when we have moments with Jesus, when we drink of the living water He gives us - peace, joy, comfort, faith - our lives, our way of doing and thinking and running after emptiness will change!
Jesus knew what she needed in that moment. She was having trouble in her life, but Jesus spoke life over her situation and she left that place with excitement in her heart.
My mother did wood work for a number of years and she carved out the woman at the well. Today, that piece of wood work is in my prayer room. Every time I look at it, every time I intercede for someone and my eyes fall on that object, I pray that I will have, that the person I'm praying for, will have a moment with Jesus the way the Samaritan woman did. When I least expect it, when I need it the most, when I feel hopeless, when my troubles seem too much to bear, I know that Jesus will give me a drink of His living water and speak to my heart the way He did to hers.
May I pray that prayer for you today?
Jesus, You know exactly what Your Son or Daughter is going through. You know their troubles. I ask, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, that you will give them a moment with You! I pray that You will fill them with Your living water - Your unconditional love, Your never ending joy, Your forgiveness and strength. Jesus, I want a moment with You.
Evelyn Monteiro