We must realize that even though we live in this world, we are not of this world - this world is not our home. Even though the kingdom of darkness governs this world, we as born-again believers - sons and daughters of God - are governed by our heavenly kingdom, where Christ Jesus is Lord of all. If we are not mindful of this, the Dragon (Mammon) will be our god and we'll be unrighteous, greedy, jealous, coveting what others have, exploiting our employees and customers.
If you are truly born again, you must be conscious of the fact that when your allotted time here on earth comes to an end, you'll return home to heaven and one day give an account for all your works: Romans 14:12, Rev 20:11-14, 2 Cor 5:10 & Matt 25:31-45
This is why a righteous business man or woman cannot just focus on making money and being successful. Yes, businesses should be profitable, like a fruitful tree providing for their employees and for themselves so that they can have more than enough for every good work. But, if your business is only about making money at any cost, then you're storing trouble for yourself hereafter.
You can't truly be a godly and righteous business person without the fear of the Lord. God wants to make a show of His goodness in your life and bless you super abundantly, but make sure you look after your employees, partners and customers. Will one make mistakes? Yes, one will, but when God reveals what one has done wrong, it's not enough to just ask for forgiveness, one must make right, even if it is to one's own hurt (Psalm 15).
Let's Pray:
Father, forgive us where we've done wrong to our employees, partners ad customers. Please help us to correct these wrongs even if it is to our own hurt. Give us the grace to be conscious of our future and to be uncompromisingly righteous in our generation, in Jesus Name.
Rhyan Monteiro