You might not realize this, but you may be walking around with a cloud of condemnation constantly hanging over your head. I know, because I did the very same thing! It was only when the Holy Spirit revealed to me this fact, that I realized how much of my viewpoints, how my way of speaking and how my relationship with Jesus can become "infected" by condemnation! You don't know you have it!
I'm asking you to answer these questions truthfully from your heart:
- Are you being hard on yourself when you make a mistake?
- Do you blame yourself for all the wrongs that have happened to you?
- Do you look down on yourself because of all your troubles?
- Do you find ways to blame yourself even when you weren't really responsible for what happened to you?
- Do you find yourself falling back into "works" mode when it comes to your walk with God?
What is "works" mode? Here's an example: "If I pray more, God will bless me more" or "I didn't do what was expected, now God is punishing me" or a popular one is "I don't deserve to be blessed because I am not a good person, I don't deserve it."
You condemn yourself before even giving God a chance to prove to you how much He loves you! The truth is, we quote all the famous promise scriptures from the Bible, but how many of us actually live and believe them?!
If you are struggling to accept God's forgiveness, acceptance and grace, YOU ARE LIVING UNDER CONDEMNATION.
Romans 8 says there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ. What does that mean? It means that Jesus paid that price for you and me so that we don't have to walk under that cloud of guilt and shame and self-hatred anymore! Romans 8 says that Jesus has set us free! Don't you want to be free?! Don't you want to get rid of all the thoughts and memories that remind you of your bad choices and events that scarred you? Don't you want to know what it's like to wake up every morning knowing His mercies are new? Whatever happened yesterday, you can ask God to make you new and restore your life!
So much of my thinking was wrong! "God is angry with me", "God is disappointed in me", "I've let God down", "I don't deserve all the blessings the Bible talks about". This is not God's way! This is condemnation's way! As long as the enemy can keep you thinking this way, he has right of way!
You and me, we will always make mistakes. We will always need God's Grace and mercy! Jesus said to the people in John 8 when they brought to him the woman caught in the act of committing adultery: "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone," and then He says to her "Neither do I condemn you".
Jesus does not condemn you! I am telling you right now: Stop condemning, blaming, hating yourself. Move on. Forgive, ask for forgiveness and be free! In Jesus Name.
Father, I pray for the person reading this. Show them right now where they are condemning and blaming themselves. Show them what lies they've been believing. Lift off that burden of condemnation right now in Jesus Name! Set your son, your daughter free from that bondage in Jesus Name! Freedom! I break that yoke over you in Jesus Name. Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro