We all have them - we all have limiting mindsets, beliefs that are wrong and that we have been believing for many years, if not our entire lives! If there's one thing I have learned, it's that the Only One who can reveal a wrong mindset, it's the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit teaches all things and that He is the Spirit of Truth. This is why He is the only One who can make you realize you have been deceived by a wrong way of doing or a wrong way of believing something.
I have started to pray a prayer daily: "Jesus, remove any limiting mindset that is keeping me in bondage!" When you pray a prayer like this with all your heart, the Holy Spirit will respond.
It was during the course of last year when I started to become aware of the way I would handle mistakes I made. Now I know that it was the Holy Spirit beginning to show me that I was believing a lie that was limiting me. Every time I felt I did something wrong, or made a mistake, I would be angry with myself, disappointed with myself. After some time praying over it, I realized that the limiting mindset I had was condemnation. I was condemning myself constantly, putting myself down every time I felt I made a mistake.
When God reveals to you a lie you've been believing about yourself for such a long time, it's a shock! How did I not know this about myself? How have I allowed this mentality to limit me for so long? Why didn't I see this sooner?
Isaiah 30:18 says that God is longing to be gracious to you! Isn't that amazing? When I allow Him to show me my limitations, change can come! Today, the moment that feeling of guilt want to come, I immediately tell it to go in Jesus Name! I will not allow guilt and condemnation to cause me to believe lies about myself and my purpose anymore! The enemy was using guilt and me putting myself down as a way to gain access to my thoughts and way of thinking, speaking and doing! I will not give him access anymore!
What mindsets have been limiting you? What lies have you been believing about someone? About yourself? What habits have you had for years and those very habits are keeping you from what you should be doing? What access have you been giving to the enemy to keep you limited?
If I told you that you are anointed - what would your response be?
If I told you that you are a man/woman of power and God wants to use you in a mighty way - what would your response be?
Do you believe that there are blessings on the way that will exceed your expectations?
How many of the promises in the Bible do you actually believe and not just confess with your mouth?
I believe that as you are reading this, you want to know what lies you've been believing. It should stir on the inside of you, the desire to know and get rid of anything that's been giving satan access to your life. As I pray with you, as you read this prayer, pray it from the heart, repeat it if you have to until revelation comes:
Holy Spirit, whatever lies I have been believing, I ask that You reveal those lies to me. Open my eyes that I will see the access I have been giving the enemy. Remove every limiting mindset and old way of thinking in Jesus Name! I am a new creation! I am a child of the King and my life will be an example of it! In Jesus Name! Amen
Evelyn Monteiro