Eph 4:15-16 “But speaking the truth in love, in all things, our speech and our lives, let us grow up in all things into Him, following His example. From Him the whole body, the church, joined and knitted firmly together by what every joint supplies, when each part is working properly, it causes the body to grow and mature, building itself up in UNSELFISH LOVE.”
Your gifts, abilities & strengths are not for yourself. God gave them so that you can build others up, encourage others. Even if God uses you in a different way, it’s still to build and edify the Body of Christ.
Even if God uses you as someone who CORRECTS / EXPOSES / WARNS / ADVISES - it must ALWAYS build up, improve the person, fill them with faith, hope, not condemnation and show unconditional love, no matter the sin in their lives. We need this love because people will hurt, offend, accuse, dislike us and we must still minister to them. This kind of love keeps you going, in spite of persecution.
What does it mean to minister in love? Just because you see something in someone, doesn’t mean you must say it. Just stating a problem is not the solution!
When God shows you something, your response should be: "God, what do You want me to do with the information You are giving me?"
1 Cor 10:23 “all things are legitimate, but not all things are constructive and edifying. Don’t seek only your own good, but also that of the other person.”
“knowledge puffs up, but LOVE builds up” –
1 Corinthians 8:1 = Principle of ministering in love.
You can preach the best sermon, have great knowledge of the Bible but if you don’t minister in love for God AND His people, you’re just puffing and not building! You’re just impressing but not changing lives!
What kind of love are we talking about?
1 Corinthians 13
- I can speak in tongues & impress, but no love? I’m just making a noise
- I can have great knowledge and accurate gifts, but not love? I am nothing.
- I can have the faith that moves mountains, but no love? There’s no anointing to change lives
- I can give everything I own away, do amazing deeds, but no love? I gained nothing
- However it is God uses you, it must be like this: patient, kind, not envious (selfish, for your own glory), not prideful or arrogant (self-righteous), not rude, don’t rejoice at wrongdoing ("I told you so" or find delight in correcting someone)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me more love for Your people! Give me a love that is patient, humble, unconditional! (I prayed this prayer for years, hungered for it & I still have to maintain it and grow in it even more)
God wants us to feel what others are feeling (Rom 12:15 “weep with those who weep”).
Ask Holy Spirit as He gives you a word to give to another, to give you a compassion for the person you are praying for. I want you to know the difference between just practicing a gift and ministering in love.
Evelyn Monteiro