We read in Joel 2 that Judah was divided amongst themselves. Locusts have come and destroyed everything they owned. But this happened because of the disobedience of God's people. Disobedience opens a door to the enemy! We want to blame others when it is we ourselves that open a door the evil one, giving him access to our lives. This is a good place to check your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to convict and show you if you have any resentment towards God! When we resent God for the bad that is happening to us, we will act out of disobedience and open a door for even more attack just like the people of Judah in Joel 2. The good news is that we serve the God of second chances! Repentance is the turning point for us!
I am asking you today: Are you doing your own thing? Are you consulting God? Are you doing what you want to do?
Repent and ask the Holy Spirit to touch your heart. Everything you do you must do with God. Joel 2:25 says that God WILL restore what was stolen from you and you WILL be satisfied!
Do you believe this? It doesn't matter where you are in your life, what you've done, what mistakes you've made, He is the God that can change your life completely! Just come to a place of repentance and allow His Holy Spirit to restore in your life. This is the promise of God! Declare this over your life! Have you lost your job due to Covid? Has the Bank repossessed your car? Has your finances dried up? Is there trouble in your marriage? God says: Get ready! This is your restoration season! Get excited! Confess it by faith! Receive this word for yourself! You feel like locusts have destroyed everything, but now, you have repented, and God is the God that restores!
Yes, trouble will come, but how many of these troubles are because our hearts were far from God? How many of these problems are happening because we have opened door to the enemy to steal, kill and destroy?
I'm here to tell you that God is going to move you from the place of suffering to the place of Praise! God is going to bring back your shout! He will restore what the locusts have eaten and you will be satisfied and put you in the place called plenty!
Thank You God that You have kept me! Thank You that You give me what I don't deserve and that You give me second chances! Amen!
Prophetess Franeli Kirsten
(Wellknown Christian Centre)