You may think it strange that I'm writing about the devil and who he is and how he operates. But really, the Bible teaches us about our enemy all the time but we are still stepping into his traps set for us. Why? Because we don't learn and become alert and vigilant. We have to learn about our enemy. Think about a rugby team. They are not just going to show up at a rugby match and play their opponent. They have studied their opponent so that they can be ready to full capacity. Shouldn't we do the same? The reality is: we have an enemy, the devil, and he goes out of his way constantly, relentlessly to steal, kill and destroy in your life! (1 Peter 5:8-9) But when we learn who we are up against, we become empowered soldiers in this battle where we receive instruction from our Captain, Jesus Christ, and stand firm against our adversary. The Bible says that we are MORE than conquerors! Do we live it though?
Satan's tactics are always the same. He uses cycles in our lives, open doors, the sins of our fathers to keep us in bondage. Every time we don't deal with the issues of our hearts, every time we choose to hold a grudge and not forgive, is when he is winning the battle. Jesus said in this world, yes, we will have trouble, but that He HAS overcome! What does that mean? He has given us everything we need to stand firm against our enemy. We don't have to stay in bondage, we can live victoriously!
What is that cycle the devil keeps using in your life? Is it fear? Does fear control everything? Your decisions, your thoughts, your speech? Is it rejection? Do you constantly think bad of yourself and feel as if everyone has let you down? Do you hold back in relationships, even your relationship with God because of rejection? We need the Holy Spirit to show us what those sins are that we are allowing time and time again to destroy us! He is the only one who can show us what is truly going on in our hearts. John 16:13 says that the Holy Spirit is the "truth-giving Spirit" and He "unveils the reality of every truth in you". Isn't that precious?
The Bible says that the enemy is an opportunist. Don't give him reason to attack your life. Don't hold on to that offense, don't allow jealousy, anger and pride to grow and consume your peace.
The devil is counting on us to be ignorant and disobedient. Remember, the battles we face are not physical, but spiritual. So what do we do?
Father, I pray for every person reading this. Reveal unto them Holy Spirit, what they need to deal with so that they can do what You called them to do to the full! In Jesus Name! Amen
Evelyn Monteiro