Each and everyone of us have the right to hear God through visions! If you accepted Jesus into your life, His Holy Spirit is in you, and He is the One who gives visions! You can see visions, understand them and respond to them because as God's sheep, we hear His voice and follow His instructions!
Visions are not only in the form of pictures, did you know that? Visions can come in various forms because God speaks to all of us in a different way. My husband sees pictures all the time, whereas me, I get the impression of an image, meaning, I don't actually see a picture, but rather, have the thought of something which I know to be a vision.
Let's look at some of the types of visions:
- Thoughts: if I told you to envision a juicy, beautifully red strawberry, that is a form of vision! The thought came to you
- Images: so clear and vivid as if you're seeing a picture in front of you
- Moving Images: like a movie!
- Trance: through a dream or even an out of body experience! (2 Cor 12:1-4 / Acts 10:11-15)
- Hearing: just like young Samuel hearing the voice of God so vividly, he thought Eli was calling him!
The most important aspect of visions I want to bring across to you is the following:
Visions are not there to entertain you! They are there to make a difference! God is speaking and you should be responding to what He is revealing to you. Too many times, I have heard people share their visions and nothing came of it! What was the point of the vision? Did you have to pray? Intercede? Physically do something? Why did God give you that vision?
According to Scripture, it's clear that to see visions, have purpose:
When God gives you a vision - finish listening to His instruction! We go immediately on the first thing we "see" and we end up missing it completely! This is a trap!
Perhaps you are reading this and you're saying: "Evelyn, I don't even see visions". If you're not seeing visions at all, it's time for that gift to be awaken! It's time for you to pray with me and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through visions!
Lord, I pray that You will speak to me! Speak to me through visions! Whichever way You choose to use it in my life, I want to hear Your voice and respond! I open my heart and ask You to activate this gift that's been dormant in my life! Activate me in Jesus Name! Stir within me the earnestness to listen, trust and obey what I see! Help me to finish the task You give me and to be faithful with every vision You give to me, in Jesus Name!
Make this your heart's desire! God WANTS to give you visions! They can change your life! They make your walk with God so exciting! Keep praying and ask Him to reveal unto you! They give us direction and answers and clarity! Of course God wants to give you visions!
Evelyn Monteiro