By Evelyn Monteiro 02 Oct, 2024
Everyone Should Pray For The Sick James 5:15 “and the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up” For all who believe, will receive! Mark 11:24 Healing is not bound to a “ministry”. Faith is all the qualification you need to receive healing and pray for others for healing! The Key To Answered Prayer 1 John 5:14 AMP “if we ask anything according to His will, (that is, consistent with His plan and purpose,) He hears us” The key to answered prayer is asking according to His will! The key to answered prayer is to pray according to Scripture! Mark 11:24 “whatever things you ask for in prayer (in accordance with God’s will), believe (with confident trust) that you have received them, and they will be given to you.” Praying God’s Will with Faith = Results! Praying for others: Is God leading you to pray a scripture? What is the Holy Spirit leading you to pray? What is God saying? Is it a bloodline curse or something they need to change in their diet? Be obedient even if it doesn’t make sense to you. How To Pray: An attitude of persistence draws God’s attention! Remember the widow in Luke 18? A widow persistently asking a judge for protection against her adversaries. The judge eventually gave the widow what she asked for because she was relentless! To the point of “intolerable annoyance”! This is the kind of faith that draws God’s attention to you! Don’t give up! Keep on knocking! “be unceasing & persistent in every situation” / “be thankful” , then you will see God’s hand move! 1 Thes 5:16-18
By Evelyn Monteiro 02 Oct, 2024
Why is Jesus’ Name the Name above all Names? This is the key to using the Name of Jesus correctly – if you understand the authority, you will use it correctly & see results! It is the ONLY Name by which we can be saved and enter Heaven ( Acts 4:12/ John 14:6 ) The messenger of a king here on earth has great influence because he comes as a representative and speaks what the king told him to speak. You are that messenger! You have authority in the Name of Jesus! The King sent you on His behalf! Are you carrying yourself as a child of the King?
By Evelyn Monteiro 02 Oct, 2024
The spirit realm is actually more real than what is seen right now. Right now there is a battle around you between angels & demons / good & evil / light & darkness (Eph 6:12). This battle is for souls - darkness wants to destroy as many as they can & light wants to save as many as they can (1 Pet 2:11-12). If you don’t believe that - it will be hard for you to use what we teach you here. But if you believe that there’s an enemy that is real, and his mission is to destroy your life, you will be able to take what we teach you here and use it. Intro: Why Know About Angels? Why teach on angels? Because you aren't using everything God has given you for your troubles here ( John 16:33: "in this world, you will have trouble" ) God has given us many weapons to use for our battles/troubles here: Holy Spirit (resurrection power / anointing / His Presence). Word (filled with promises & answers & direction). Armor (faith / righteousness / peace / truth). Praise & Thanksgiving. Word of our testimony. Blood of Jesus / Name of Jesus (Name above all Names by which they tremble: James 2:19 ) AND Angels Many of your troubles are spiritually rooted - we can't fight it with willpower/flesh. We must learn to fight our battles in the spirit. Angels is a method we use to fight our battles in the spirit - evil spirits are often the reason for your troubles, use angels to fight them! You don't realize it: you've been content with a splash pool when you have the whole ocean behind you. You've been praying, fighting on your own, but the truth is, you have an ocean of angels to make use of behind you! And that's what we're unlocking today! Purpose Of Angels: Angels are NOT here to entertain us, give us experiences, for us to admire them, for us to worship them, for us to chat to or to be our friends.
By Evelyn Monteiro 25 Sep, 2024
Everyone wants healing and deliverance, but how many will be able to maintain what they receive? The question is why maintain? Because attacks will come that bring doubt, fear, challenges and temptation. Will you walk in the light of your testimony or go back to old ways and open doors? When the Bible gives conditions to healing, it’s not because God doesn’t want to heal, it’s because those very conditions will help you maintain your breakthrough when attacks come in the form of doubt, fear, sin and more. When doubt comes, are you going to keep your confession or nullify what God did? The great men and women of faith in the Bible maintained what God gave them, and even received more, because they walked with God!
By Evelyn Monteiro 19 Sep, 2024
We want to see our prayers answered. Otherwise, what would be the point? God has given us plenty to ensure that we can see the fruit of our prayers. He has given us plenty to see our prayers bear fruit! Types of Prayer for the Types of Situations You have to fight a battle with the right weapon & know how to use it. Sometimes you have to WARFARE , to execute, to attack with force. Sometimes you have to REPENT to feel pain, a change of mind. You must not be the same after repentance. Something has to change within you. This is true repentance. Sometimes you have to do DELIVERANCE , be rescued, released from captivity, slavery, oppression, any restraint, curse, mindset, burden, stronghold, a sin. Sometimes you have to DECLARE, which means to announce, to make clear, no doubt, tell explicitly, promises, scripture, name of Jesus, by faith (as if already done). Sometimes you have to REBUKE to silence, to punish, attack, assignment against your marriage, child, finances, health! The Holy Spirit is the Only One who can show you which type of prayer to pray in a situation! Acknowledge The Holy Spirit Many believers don’t acknowledge the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit = God with us = God in Spirit form = His Presence. Holy Spirit = Person you speak to all day, every day! Holy Spirit = Helper, Teacher, Source of Wisdom, Reveals, Heals, Corrects, Warns, Instructs, Comforter. Holy Spirit should be part of your prayer life, consult Him constantly! Without Holy Spirit, you will not pray effectively! Holy Spirit is the One that shows you the root, scripture to pray, vision, dreams, meaning of visions and dreams. Rom 8:26 “you don’t know what to pray or HOW to pray” . We need the Holy Spirit!
By Karen Aronstam 26 Aug, 2024
Darkness, this is the nature of the world that we live in today. The destruction it brings is everywhere: in our homes, schools, governments and churches. It is in the way we live and has crept into our hearts. Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world". The word "light" in this scripture means 'to shine' or 'make manifest, especially by rays'. The rays of light dispel darkness and chaos and bring life! This is the power of light! When we give to the poor and those who are afflicted, we bring God's light to them! Our light can challenge the darkness in others! How powerful! 
By Karen Aronstam 05 Aug, 2024
Romans 12:2 (Amp) "And do not be conformed to this world (any longer with its superficial values and customs), but be transformed and progressively changed (as you mature spiritually) by the renewing of your mind (focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes), so that you may prove for yourselves what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (in His plan and purpose for you)." The will of God is for us to give and only He can renew your minds and your hearts to give the right way! Since working for Zayin, God has changed my heart and my mind regarding giving. I used to look at maize meal as an unimportant starch, something to eat with my meat and that was my superficial way of thinking. But since I've been giving starch parcels on outreaches, it has changed how I look at maize - now I see it as something that someone out there desperately needs! How easy we take the "simple" things for granted!
By Evelyn Monteiro 29 Jul, 2024
What made Jesus stand out?: He spoke with Authority & Conviction. It wasn’t just miracles – but it was the way He spoke that amazed people! Because He spoke the Word and it is the Word that lasts and changes lives! Matthew 7:28-29 “the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because He taught as one who had authority, not as their teachers of the law”. Jesus gives the key: verse 24 “everyone who hears My word and puts them into practice is like a wise man building a house on a rock. The rain comes, winds blow, yet his house does not fall, because its foundation is on the rock” - you become someone who speaks with authority and power when you become a doer of the Word! When the Word is in you, part of you. Don’t you want to be a vessel like that? It’s not enough to just "know" scripture or use it to support your point. You must use it with authority! Because you have revelation! Without revelation there can be no change! Many people know what the Bible says but few have understanding. The reason you want more Word in you as an instrument of God: “alive, full of power, energizing, effective” Hebrews 4 – it changes and transforms you! “exposes and judges thoughts and intentions” – Hebrews 4 – for yourself AND when you give someone scripture in season, it can deliver them! “light to my path” & “gives understanding” – Psalm 119:105 – the Word gives solution to our problems, words of wisdom! “all scripture is God-breathed” – 2 Timothy 3:16 – it’s an extension of God!
By Evelyn Monteiro 06 Jul, 2024
Prophetic Word: Many of you don’t see the potential God has placed in you. You compare yourself, put yourself down. You are still looking too much for the approval of others as the go-ahead, when really, it’s Jesus who should lead you, not the opinions of man. What Is The Anointing? 1 John 2:27 Amplified “the anointing (the special gift, the preparation), which you received from Him remains (permanently) in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you. But just as His anointing teaches you (giving you insight through the presence of the Holy Spirit) about all things, you must remain in Him (being rooted in Him, knit to Him).” The anointing is a (special) gift given to us – what do you do with a precious gift? Think about the most expensive necklace with precious stones or a Rolex watch - how would you treat that precious item? You would look after it, treasure it, not treat it cheaply. In the same way, we must treasure the anointing, the Presence of the Holy Spirit in us even more than any precious object here on earth! The Holy Spirit is the Anointed One, the One that gives anointing. The Holy Spirit is the One who teaches you, enables you to do what you’re meant to do. His Presence in you is the anointing. The key is that you must remain in Him, be rooted in Him, be knit to Him. Walking in the Spirit, walking closely to Holy Spirit = being anointed = being an anointed vessel that God can use in a powerful way to change people’s lives!
By Karen Aronstam 06 Jul, 2024
There are many reasons why people give and the emotions driving us to do so can be: guilt, fear, egoism and the list goes on! When we give, it must be Spirit led and out of love! Our giving should be rooted in the nature of God and in our relationship with Him. God is love, 1 John 4:8 "The one who does not love, does not know God for God is love." Our relationship with God is also based on love, 1 John 4:19 "We love Him, because He first loved us". God's will for us is in giving is seen in 2 Cor 9:7 "Let each one give as he has made up in his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (whose heart is in giving)."
Read More Inspirational Stories

I Give So That The Darkness In Me Can Come Out

Karen Aronstam • Aug 26, 2024

Darkness, this is the nature of the world that we live in today. The destruction it brings is everywhere: in our homes, schools, governments and churches. It is in the way we live and has crept into our hearts.

Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world". The word "light" in this scripture means 'to shine' or 'make manifest, especially by rays'. The rays of light dispel darkness and chaos and bring life! This is the power of light!

When we give to the poor and those who are afflicted, we bring God's light to them! Our light can challenge the darkness in others! How powerful!




Isaiah 58:7-8 says that when we help the poor, your light will break forth like the morning and your healing (your restoration and power of a new life) shall spring forth! It continues in verse 10 "when you satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in darkness, and your obscurity and gloom become like the noonday."

When we give, the darkness in us are also challenged and we change! The light of God is so powerful: it breaks the power of darkness, alleviate misery and can rid us of wickedness! It brings healing to our souls.

Healing, just by giving. Life restored, just by giving. Let us give, so that as we change, our light can impact others!

Holy Spirit, give me a mindset of giving! Help me see how giving changes me! Fill me with Your light so that I can make a difference in the lives of others, in Jesus Name! Amen

Karen Aronstam - Manager of Zayin Charity Operations

By Evelyn Monteiro 02 Oct, 2024
Everyone Should Pray For The Sick James 5:15 “and the prayer of faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up” For all who believe, will receive! Mark 11:24 Healing is not bound to a “ministry”. Faith is all the qualification you need to receive healing and pray for others for healing! The Key To Answered Prayer 1 John 5:14 AMP “if we ask anything according to His will, (that is, consistent with His plan and purpose,) He hears us” The key to answered prayer is asking according to His will! The key to answered prayer is to pray according to Scripture! Mark 11:24 “whatever things you ask for in prayer (in accordance with God’s will), believe (with confident trust) that you have received them, and they will be given to you.” Praying God’s Will with Faith = Results! Praying for others: Is God leading you to pray a scripture? What is the Holy Spirit leading you to pray? What is God saying? Is it a bloodline curse or something they need to change in their diet? Be obedient even if it doesn’t make sense to you. How To Pray: An attitude of persistence draws God’s attention! Remember the widow in Luke 18? A widow persistently asking a judge for protection against her adversaries. The judge eventually gave the widow what she asked for because she was relentless! To the point of “intolerable annoyance”! This is the kind of faith that draws God’s attention to you! Don’t give up! Keep on knocking! “be unceasing & persistent in every situation” / “be thankful” , then you will see God’s hand move! 1 Thes 5:16-18
By Evelyn Monteiro 02 Oct, 2024
Why is Jesus’ Name the Name above all Names? This is the key to using the Name of Jesus correctly – if you understand the authority, you will use it correctly & see results! It is the ONLY Name by which we can be saved and enter Heaven ( Acts 4:12/ John 14:6 ) The messenger of a king here on earth has great influence because he comes as a representative and speaks what the king told him to speak. You are that messenger! You have authority in the Name of Jesus! The King sent you on His behalf! Are you carrying yourself as a child of the King?
By Evelyn Monteiro 02 Oct, 2024
The spirit realm is actually more real than what is seen right now. Right now there is a battle around you between angels & demons / good & evil / light & darkness (Eph 6:12). This battle is for souls - darkness wants to destroy as many as they can & light wants to save as many as they can (1 Pet 2:11-12). If you don’t believe that - it will be hard for you to use what we teach you here. But if you believe that there’s an enemy that is real, and his mission is to destroy your life, you will be able to take what we teach you here and use it. Intro: Why Know About Angels? Why teach on angels? Because you aren't using everything God has given you for your troubles here ( John 16:33: "in this world, you will have trouble" ) God has given us many weapons to use for our battles/troubles here: Holy Spirit (resurrection power / anointing / His Presence). Word (filled with promises & answers & direction). Armor (faith / righteousness / peace / truth). Praise & Thanksgiving. Word of our testimony. Blood of Jesus / Name of Jesus (Name above all Names by which they tremble: James 2:19 ) AND Angels Many of your troubles are spiritually rooted - we can't fight it with willpower/flesh. We must learn to fight our battles in the spirit. Angels is a method we use to fight our battles in the spirit - evil spirits are often the reason for your troubles, use angels to fight them! You don't realize it: you've been content with a splash pool when you have the whole ocean behind you. You've been praying, fighting on your own, but the truth is, you have an ocean of angels to make use of behind you! And that's what we're unlocking today! Purpose Of Angels: Angels are NOT here to entertain us, give us experiences, for us to admire them, for us to worship them, for us to chat to or to be our friends.
By Evelyn Monteiro 25 Sep, 2024
Everyone wants healing and deliverance, but how many will be able to maintain what they receive? The question is why maintain? Because attacks will come that bring doubt, fear, challenges and temptation. Will you walk in the light of your testimony or go back to old ways and open doors? When the Bible gives conditions to healing, it’s not because God doesn’t want to heal, it’s because those very conditions will help you maintain your breakthrough when attacks come in the form of doubt, fear, sin and more. When doubt comes, are you going to keep your confession or nullify what God did? The great men and women of faith in the Bible maintained what God gave them, and even received more, because they walked with God!
By Evelyn Monteiro 19 Sep, 2024
We want to see our prayers answered. Otherwise, what would be the point? God has given us plenty to ensure that we can see the fruit of our prayers. He has given us plenty to see our prayers bear fruit! Types of Prayer for the Types of Situations You have to fight a battle with the right weapon & know how to use it. Sometimes you have to WARFARE , to execute, to attack with force. Sometimes you have to REPENT to feel pain, a change of mind. You must not be the same after repentance. Something has to change within you. This is true repentance. Sometimes you have to do DELIVERANCE , be rescued, released from captivity, slavery, oppression, any restraint, curse, mindset, burden, stronghold, a sin. Sometimes you have to DECLARE, which means to announce, to make clear, no doubt, tell explicitly, promises, scripture, name of Jesus, by faith (as if already done). Sometimes you have to REBUKE to silence, to punish, attack, assignment against your marriage, child, finances, health! The Holy Spirit is the Only One who can show you which type of prayer to pray in a situation! Acknowledge The Holy Spirit Many believers don’t acknowledge the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit = God with us = God in Spirit form = His Presence. Holy Spirit = Person you speak to all day, every day! Holy Spirit = Helper, Teacher, Source of Wisdom, Reveals, Heals, Corrects, Warns, Instructs, Comforter. Holy Spirit should be part of your prayer life, consult Him constantly! Without Holy Spirit, you will not pray effectively! Holy Spirit is the One that shows you the root, scripture to pray, vision, dreams, meaning of visions and dreams. Rom 8:26 “you don’t know what to pray or HOW to pray” . We need the Holy Spirit!
By Karen Aronstam 26 Aug, 2024
Darkness, this is the nature of the world that we live in today. The destruction it brings is everywhere: in our homes, schools, governments and churches. It is in the way we live and has crept into our hearts. Matthew 5:14-16 "You are the light of the world". The word "light" in this scripture means 'to shine' or 'make manifest, especially by rays'. The rays of light dispel darkness and chaos and bring life! This is the power of light! When we give to the poor and those who are afflicted, we bring God's light to them! Our light can challenge the darkness in others! How powerful! 
By Karen Aronstam 05 Aug, 2024
Romans 12:2 (Amp) "And do not be conformed to this world (any longer with its superficial values and customs), but be transformed and progressively changed (as you mature spiritually) by the renewing of your mind (focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes), so that you may prove for yourselves what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (in His plan and purpose for you)." The will of God is for us to give and only He can renew your minds and your hearts to give the right way! Since working for Zayin, God has changed my heart and my mind regarding giving. I used to look at maize meal as an unimportant starch, something to eat with my meat and that was my superficial way of thinking. But since I've been giving starch parcels on outreaches, it has changed how I look at maize - now I see it as something that someone out there desperately needs! How easy we take the "simple" things for granted!
By Evelyn Monteiro 29 Jul, 2024
What made Jesus stand out?: He spoke with Authority & Conviction. It wasn’t just miracles – but it was the way He spoke that amazed people! Because He spoke the Word and it is the Word that lasts and changes lives! Matthew 7:28-29 “the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because He taught as one who had authority, not as their teachers of the law”. Jesus gives the key: verse 24 “everyone who hears My word and puts them into practice is like a wise man building a house on a rock. The rain comes, winds blow, yet his house does not fall, because its foundation is on the rock” - you become someone who speaks with authority and power when you become a doer of the Word! When the Word is in you, part of you. Don’t you want to be a vessel like that? It’s not enough to just "know" scripture or use it to support your point. You must use it with authority! Because you have revelation! Without revelation there can be no change! Many people know what the Bible says but few have understanding. The reason you want more Word in you as an instrument of God: “alive, full of power, energizing, effective” Hebrews 4 – it changes and transforms you! “exposes and judges thoughts and intentions” – Hebrews 4 – for yourself AND when you give someone scripture in season, it can deliver them! “light to my path” & “gives understanding” – Psalm 119:105 – the Word gives solution to our problems, words of wisdom! “all scripture is God-breathed” – 2 Timothy 3:16 – it’s an extension of God!
By Evelyn Monteiro 06 Jul, 2024
Prophetic Word: Many of you don’t see the potential God has placed in you. You compare yourself, put yourself down. You are still looking too much for the approval of others as the go-ahead, when really, it’s Jesus who should lead you, not the opinions of man. What Is The Anointing? 1 John 2:27 Amplified “the anointing (the special gift, the preparation), which you received from Him remains (permanently) in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you. But just as His anointing teaches you (giving you insight through the presence of the Holy Spirit) about all things, you must remain in Him (being rooted in Him, knit to Him).” The anointing is a (special) gift given to us – what do you do with a precious gift? Think about the most expensive necklace with precious stones or a Rolex watch - how would you treat that precious item? You would look after it, treasure it, not treat it cheaply. In the same way, we must treasure the anointing, the Presence of the Holy Spirit in us even more than any precious object here on earth! The Holy Spirit is the Anointed One, the One that gives anointing. The Holy Spirit is the One who teaches you, enables you to do what you’re meant to do. His Presence in you is the anointing. The key is that you must remain in Him, be rooted in Him, be knit to Him. Walking in the Spirit, walking closely to Holy Spirit = being anointed = being an anointed vessel that God can use in a powerful way to change people’s lives!
By Karen Aronstam 06 Jul, 2024
There are many reasons why people give and the emotions driving us to do so can be: guilt, fear, egoism and the list goes on! When we give, it must be Spirit led and out of love! Our giving should be rooted in the nature of God and in our relationship with Him. God is love, 1 John 4:8 "The one who does not love, does not know God for God is love." Our relationship with God is also based on love, 1 John 4:19 "We love Him, because He first loved us". God's will for us is in giving is seen in 2 Cor 9:7 "Let each one give as he has made up in his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver (whose heart is in giving)."
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