Romans 12:2 (Amp) "And do not be conformed to this world (any longer with its superficial values and customs), but be transformed and progressively changed (as you mature spiritually) by the renewing of your mind (focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes), so that you may prove for yourselves what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect (in His plan and purpose for you)."
The will of God is for us to give and only He can renew your minds and your hearts to give the right way!
Since working for Zayin, God has changed my heart and my mind regarding giving. I used to look at maize meal as an unimportant starch, something to eat with my meat and that was my superficial way of thinking. But since I've been giving starch parcels on outreaches, it has changed how I look at maize - now I see it as something that someone out there desperately needs! How easy we take the
"simple" things for granted!
The more I give, the more God's love for His people start to change my heart and I begin to change for the better! The joy I experience when giving, accompanied by the joy of the thankful heart and smile, is such a blessing in my life!
Psalm 51:10 (Amp) "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me".
With a clean heart and a right spirit, we can give the right way! We can pray over those in need with a fervency and sincerity so that God can help them as well as deliver and heal them! Isn't that why we're here after all?
I want to encourage you to start giving, wherever you are, no matter how small or how big it is, so that God can begin a change in your heart and life too!
Holy Spirit, renew my heart and mind I pray! Let me give the way You intended and at the same time, deliver me, change me, in Jesus Name! Amen
Karen Aronstam - Manager of Zayin Charity Operations