What made Jesus stand out?: He spoke with Authority & Conviction. It wasn’t just miracles – but it was the way He spoke that amazed people! Because He spoke the Word and it is the Word that lasts and changes lives!
Matthew 7:28-29 “the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because He taught as one who had authority, not as their teachers of the law”.
Jesus gives the key: verse 24 “everyone who hears My word and puts them into practice is like a wise man building a house on a rock. The rain comes, winds blow, yet his house does not fall, because its foundation is on the rock” - you become someone who speaks with authority and power when you become a doer of the Word! When the Word is in you, part of you. Don’t you want to be a vessel like that?
It’s not enough to just "know" scripture or use it to support your point. You must use it with authority! Because you have revelation! Without revelation there can be no change! Many people know what the Bible says but few have understanding.
The reason you want more Word in you as an instrument of God:
How To Get That Power In & Flowing Through You:
“let the Word of God have its home in you, dwell in you heart and your mind, permeating (saturating, consuming) every aspect of your being, as you teach spiritual things and admonish and train one another with wisdom” Colossians 3:16 – The Word must consume us!
- Meditate on it = you become a tree bearing fruit! (Psalm 1)
- Let it read YOU, not you, it! It must expose your heart issues! James 1:22-25 don’t read and forget
“prove yourselves doers of the word, actively and continually obeying it, not merely listeners who hear the word but fail to internalise its meaning.”
James 1 – we must internalize what we read!
“I have stored up your word in my heart, that I may not sin” – Psalm 119:11
- You are storing up reserves so that on that moment God needs you, you are ready and prepared!
So many times, I’ve felt that I didn't know the Word. I would read it, pray it & remain faithful. And then, suddenly, when I minister, when I needed it the most, the Holy Spirit brings to my remembrance and it changes lives! How powerful is a word in season!
More Word = More Power = More Authority!
Who are we if we don't have Word in us? Whose standards are we living by if not the standards according to the Word of God? The enemy wants us to be empty shells - no Word, no Revelation. Let's not give satan an opportunity to lie and deceive us. Let's get more Word in us and speak with Authority & Faith!
Pray with me: Holy Spirit, stir within me a hunger that cannot be filled! Stir within me a desire for the Word of God! Speak to me, reveal unto me, teach me and deliver me, through Your Word, I pray, in Jesus Name! Amen!
Evelyn Monteiro