Prophetic Word: Many of you don’t see the potential God has placed in you. You compare yourself, put yourself down. You are still looking too much for the approval of others as the go-ahead, when really, it’s Jesus who should lead you, not the opinions of man.
What Is The Anointing?
1 John 2:27 Amplified “the anointing (the special gift, the preparation), which you received from Him remains (permanently) in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you. But just as His anointing teaches you (giving you insight through the presence of the Holy Spirit) about all things, you must remain in Him (being rooted in Him, knit to Him).”
In the same way, we must treasure the anointing, the Presence of the Holy Spirit in us even more than any precious object here on earth! The Holy Spirit is the Anointed One, the One that gives anointing. The Holy Spirit is the One who teaches you, enables you to do what you’re meant to do. His Presence in you is the anointing. The key is that you must remain in Him, be rooted in Him, be knit to Him.
Walking in the Spirit, walking closely to Holy Spirit = being anointed = being an anointed vessel that God can use in a powerful way to change people’s lives!
Having a relationship with Holy Spirit is everything!
Walking in the Spirit =
- Doing everything with Him
(Galatians 5:16)
- Not being swayed by what we see
(2 Corinthians 5:7)
- Walking by faith, not by sight
- Obeying His voice, Responding to His leading
- Submitting to His Will
What are you doing with this special gift you’ve been given? Are you treating it as precious? Or are you being irresponsible with it? Do you cherish Holy Spirit?
Anoint ourselves:
The word “anointing” (1 John 2:20) means “something rubbed in” – being anointed by Holy Spirit means that HE, THE OIL, is enabling you with gifts and graces to do what you’re meant to do! HE is the anointing!
Why Do We Need The Anointing? For ourselves AND others!
1 John 2:20 (AMP) “But you have an anointing from the Holy One (you have been set apart, specially gifted and prepared by the Holy Spirit), and all of you know (the truth because He teaches us, illuminates our minds, and guards us from error).”
The reasons we want more anointing:
a) Holy Spirit illuminates our minds:
- He trains and equips you in all things (how to be a parent, spouse, instrument of God, how to praise and worship, how to do anything)
- He gives revelation
- He brings understanding of spiritual things
- You are not spiritually blind anymore
b) He guards us from error:
- keeps us on track
- reveals the truth
- exposes darkness (His guidance is our protection, don’t have to fail first)
When His anointing, His Presence, flows through me when I minister to others, it must do the same for them! He will illuminate their minds & guard them from error!
In other words, the anointing changes lives!
Evelyn Monteiro