We want to see our prayers answered. Otherwise, what would be the point? God has given us plenty to ensure that we can see the fruit of our prayers. He has given us plenty to see our prayers bear fruit!
Types of Prayer for the Types of Situations
You have to fight a battle with the right weapon & know how to use it. Sometimes you have to WARFARE, to execute, to attack with force.
Sometimes you have to REPENT to feel pain, a change of mind. You must not be the same after repentance. Something has to change within you. This is true repentance.
Sometimes you have to do DELIVERANCE, be rescued, released from captivity, slavery, oppression, any restraint, curse, mindset, burden, stronghold, a sin.
Sometimes you have to DECLARE, which means to announce, to make clear, no doubt, tell explicitly, promises, scripture, name of Jesus, by faith (as if already done).
Sometimes you have to REBUKE to silence, to punish, attack, assignment against your marriage, child, finances, health!
The Holy Spirit is the Only One who can show you which type of prayer to pray in a situation!
Acknowledge The Holy Spirit
Many believers don’t acknowledge the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit = God with us = God in Spirit form = His Presence. Holy Spirit = Person you speak to all day, every day!
Holy Spirit = Helper, Teacher, Source of Wisdom, Reveals, Heals, Corrects, Warns, Instructs, Comforter. Holy Spirit should be part of your prayer life, consult Him constantly! Without Holy Spirit, you will not pray effectively! Holy Spirit is the One that shows you the root, scripture to pray, vision, dreams, meaning of visions and dreams.
Rom 8:26 “you don’t know what to pray or HOW to pray”. We need the Holy Spirit!
There are strategies satan uses to affect us when we pray:
Satan uses FEAR to affect your prayer life:
Fear = No Peace. Fear displaces peace. You need peace to hear God clearly = Phil 4:6-7. Col 3:15 “let the peace of Christ be the controlling factor in your hearts when deciding & settling questions that arise.” Peace enables you to make right decisions and know what to do. As long as satan can keep you fearful, you will make decisions out of haste, emotions, doubt, condemnation (guilt), fear of man (manipulation)
Fear makes you a TIMID prayer warrior!
Satan uses our rebellion to affect our prayer lives. We pray just for ourselves, our families, our needs, our problems. We will not receive because of our wrong motives. We must pray for others too! Instruction in the Bible! Is what you’re asking God, to the benefit of others as well or only for yourself? Is what you’re asking of God, according to His Word?
Money: Do you pray for money so you can use it for yourself alone? Or do you ask for money so you can make a difference in people’s lives? Your breakthrough is not just for you! Your breakthrough is for others too!
What if God asked you to pray for a politician you dislike?
What if Holy Spirit instructed you to pray for a relative who treats you wrong or the person who did you great wrongs and hurt you?
If you want God to use you in a powerful way, you must deal with your rebellion
Rebellion makes you a FRUITLESS prayer warrior!
How You Should Be Praying:
With Alertness: “alert” Greek meaning = “awake/vigilant”. It means you ask questions! Don’t just take things! You must pray with Focus: "focused" = discern, examine. You discern constantly! Is what I'm facing an Attack? Test? Curse? Did I open a door to the enemy? We must pray with Revelation: that means we must listen while praying.
Father, I pray for the person reading this message. Open their ears to hear Your voice when they pray! Let them pray with heart! Help them be alert and vigilant! Help them to recognize Your leading and let them see Your Hand at work in and through them in Jesus Name! Amen!
Evelyn Monteiro