The whole world has experienced unprecedented challenges these last few years. Sickness, disease, sudden loss of loved ones, financial crises, marital and familial problems, closures of churches and now we face wars, uprisings and further rumors of wars.
One thing is for certain, the kingdom of darkness has been hard at work to bring fear, despair, doubt, unbelief and even death. Why? Satan’s agenda is to separate us from God; to cause us to doubt God’s goodness, mercy and love because he knows his time is running out and his day of eternal judgment is beckoning.
I know that these difficult times have caused many of you to drift away from God, isolate yourselves and fall into all kinds of sin and bondage. You feel like there is no point and that you’ve sinned so much it’s impossible to return to God.
I want to encourage you today…
God has not forgotten you!! He’s looking for an opportunity to welcome you back just like the father of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). And not only welcome you back but restore you to your original position as son and heir. It does not matter what you’ve done, there is no sin that Jesus cannot forgive, sickness He cannot heal or problem He cannot solve!
In fact, Jesus Christ is seeking you! Just look at the life of Moses (Exodus 2 -3), he killed a man, tried to cover it up and ran away; but God appeared to him in the burning bush and as soon as Moses paid attention, God took the opportunity to restore his life.
What about king David (2 Samuel 11-12)? A man after God’s own heart, right? He sexually assaulted another man’s wife and when she became pregnant, he tried to cover it up. After the cover up failed, David orchestrated the husband’s death in battle. And if that was not enough, he took Bathsheba to be his wife. But God in his goodness & mercy sent a prophet, Nathan, to correct him and when David realised his sin, he sought the Lord and He forgave David and restored his life.
So, what do they have in common? Both men were notorious sinners: murderers and adulterers, but not even that could separate them from the love of God. God did not only forgive their sins and restore their lives, but He made them some of the greatest men to have ever walked the earth. Now, we don’t know them as murders and adulterers, but as great heroes of faith and men after God’s own heart.
What about you? Are you ready to return to God? He is searching for you, longing for you!
Jesus has sent me to you to call you back to Him. He’s waiting for your attention. Just respond to Him and He’ll not only forgive and restore your life, but He’ll rewrite your future just like He did for Moses and David.
It’s not too late! Come back!
Father, I come back to you, please forgive me. I believe Jesus died for all my sins, on the third day rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and is now seated at Your right hand. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior. I give my heart completely to You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and restore to me the joy of your salvation in Jesus Name. Amen!!
Rhyan Monteiro