Do you sometimes have days where you just feel overwhelmed or flattened by life? I do! Jesus told us in John 16:33 that we will have troubles in this world. So it's only normal to not always be full of zeal and energy and hope! We all face trials, difficulties and challenges and fear comes to all of us, BUT...
Let your FAITH be bigger than your FEAR!
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."
You and I need our "Vitamin F (faith)" injection from time to time. When you realize you are overwhelmed, fear is getting to you, thoughts of hopelessness, doubt and frustration, you have to take a moment and say:
"Jesus, I am putting my trust anew in You today. I am not going to lean on my own understanding, but I'm going to acknowledge You in everything I do today in Jesus Name."
You have to stir your faith. What does that mean? When you are cooking a meal over heat, you have to stir it occasionally because if you don't, it can burn and the whole meal is ruined. In the same way, we have to stir our faith. It will not grow by itself. It takes stirring it - listen to a sermon, read some Bible, pray God's promises, put some praise and worship songs on, read a spiritual book, do whatever you can to stir up your faith again.
God cannot work where there is no faith! It is faith that pleases Him! There's nothing like reminding yourself of some of God's promises to stir your faith and hope again! Because every promise in His Word is opposite to what FEAR is telling you! Is fear telling you nothing is changing? God's Word says He has plans of a good future for you! Is fear telling you that God is not answering you? God's Word says that God hears every prayer of the believer and that your prayer has tremendous power!
It's okay to be scared, even Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, but He did not allow fear to be bigger than His faith. I'm here to remind you that fear comes to all of us, but don't allow the fear to be bigger than your faith! Stir your faith!
Pray with me:
Lord Jesus, stir my faith! My emotions, my body, my circumstances are telling me different things but I know the truth: You are my HEALER, DELIVERER, SAVIOR, HELPER, PROTECTOR, FRIEND, COMFORTER, STRONG TOWER and I ask You to fill me now with FAITH, HOPE AND JOY, In Jesus Name! Amen
Evelyn Monteiro