Jesus is called a Lion and a Lamb! These symbols describe who Jesus is. When you think about it, you realize that these 2 symbols are complete opposites!
So why is Jesus referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and also called the Lamb of God?
Judah was the lineage of Kings and the image of a lion is one of power and strength and authority and king over all. And this is why Jesus came from that lineage. Jesus is the King of all kings!
Jesus is the Lamb because He would be sacrificed for our sins and become the Lamb who would wash away our sins with His blood and save us!
The reason why He is called these symbols = The Lion conquers and the Lamb saves!
So when you call on the Lion of Judah, you are calling on the One who has conquered and defeated! He is the King over all kings and authority and He will have the last say! When you call on the Lamb, you're calling on the only One who has the power to save and completely eradicate the power of sin over you and you now have a chance to be completely free from curses and cycles of sin!
But there's another revelation I would like to share with you about this analogy of the Lion and the Lamb: just as Jesus is both, so we can be too.
Even though Jesus was humble and gentle, He was also fierce and a man of authority and strength. Jesus was both powerful and innocent, strong and humble, firm and gentle. These are the characteristics you and I should strive to have as well:
1 Peter 3:4 "a gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in the sight of God."
James 1:12 "blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he stood the test of he will receive the crown of life..."
There are so many scriptures teaching us what character traits we should strive for and that we must work to achieve those traits!
I want to be like Jesus! I want to be strong, powerful, firm, vigilant, fierce, but at the same time, be gentle, humble, kind, forgiving and graceful.
I felt to write this message because you need to see yourself the way God intended for you to be, to be the person Jesus gave His life for!
When you and I get consumed by this world and it's worries, we are not lions. When we are hard, offended, angry and bitter, we are not the lambs that Jesus can use to heal a broken world.
Remember, you cannot go where you cannot see yourself go. Start seeing yourself as strong, anointed, meek and gentle because this is who you're meant to be!
Pray with me:
Lord Jesus, I want to be like You! Make me strong, powerful, fierce against my enemy, brave, believe in the impossible and full of authority! Make me humble, gentle, forgiving, showing people the kind of love that can change them! Remove whatever lies I'm believing about myself, Jesus! Renew my mind and make me more like You! In Jesus Name, Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro