In our home we have a prayer wall. It's actually a declaration wall. On it, we have put promises from Scripture, as well as promises that God gave us through dreams. Every morning, before we start our day, we make the time to declare these promises. When we initially started with this, it was hard. These short sentences seemed radical and totally out of reach. How is it ever going to happen? This is crazy! This is impossible. Slowly but surely, the more we started to declare these promises, the more we started to believe them and it actually started to manifest in our lives!
One of our statements on our wall says: God's favor surrounds me like a shield. This is a scripture found in Psalm 5. Every day, when I leave my home, going on errands, appointments, outreaches, ministry trips, I "take" that promise with me: "God's favor surrounds me like a shield today, it doesn't come and go, it stays with me constantly."
Guess what? It doesn't matter if it's a parking spot right in front of the entrance or getting discounts from buying stock for the charity work, but I will see favor in my daily tasks! And I've had amazing favor coming my way I never thought would come!
There's another statement on our wall that says: My promotion is not a vote, it's an appointment!
Isn't that powerful? God is the One who promotes me, not man. God is the One who will take me forward, make a way in the desert, make the impossible, possible. He is my Source. Even when my physical circumstances tell me different, I know my promises - God will be the One promoting me, and it's not a vote, it's an appointment! I know it's going to happen! I might not know when or how, but I have not seen my best days yet and I'm going to do what's right, be my best and God will do the rest!
We all have days, even bad nights sometimes, and we don't always feel pumped, excited and filled with faith. The good news is that emotions don't have to rule us. Our wall is right in the middle of our home, I can't walk past it without seeing it. I can't ignore it, even if I tried. I want to challenge you: Don't let your emotions, circumstances and the negativity of others make you forget the promises that God has for you!
Remind yourself who you are! Anointed, blessed, favored, called, unique, powerful, fearless and wise! Write a few promises down from Scripture and declare them over yourself daily! No matter how you feel, those promises are still valid and when you start confessing and believing them, you'll start seeing them in your life too!
Pray with me:
Lord Jesus, Thank You for my promises! I love You so much! You are so good to me! You are so faithful! Thank You that I can live and walk in victory today in spite of what I'm facing! Than You for filling me with Your faith, In Jesus Name, Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro