There could be many things going on around you right now. Things that you know about, things you can see, but there are also things going on in your life that you don't see and that you're not aware of. You and I cannot keep our focus with our own efforts - we need the Holy Spirit to help us keep our focus!
It might seem strange, but if our focus is on God, things that are above, we will see changes in the physical, the natural. Because the spirit realm is more real than the world we are seeing with our eyes! What we are seeing with our eyes are just the fruit of what is going on in the spirit!
The Bible already teaches us valuable principles, teaching us where our focus should be no matter what is going on around us:
- "Set your minds on thigs that are above, not on things that are on earth." (Col 3:2)
- "Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you." (Prov 4:25)
- "But first seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you." (Matt 6:33)
- "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." (Prov 16:3)
- "Blessed is the man who meditates on God's law day and night and in all that he does, he prospers." (Psalm 1:1-6)
Do you see? This list can go on and on! The Bible is clear on where our focus should be. If our focus is on the right place, we will see it affecting our lives, our plans, our future!
It's easy to lose focus. We look at the circumstance, the problem and we wonder how we're going to get out of it. Do you realize what the Bible says in 1 Cor 10:13?
"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
If you and I will focus on Jesus, spend time with Him, make the time to listen and push in, hunger for Him in spite of what we're facing, He will give us a way out! He will show us what to do and how to handle our situations!
Don's just accept what you're going through! I feel that many of you reading this, when you find yourself in difficulty, you retreat, sit back and wait for it to pass - rather, you hope it will pass eventually. This is NOT what we must do in times of challenge.
Keeping our focus means you must remain consistent no matter what! Isaiah 26:3 says that God keeps the man whose mind is stayed on Him in perfect peace! The person who trusts God, no matter what they're facing, the person who keeps going, no matter how they feel emotionally, is the person who can be led by God's peace in the midst of their troubles.
I want to tell you today: KEEP YOUR FOCUS! Stay consistent, don't let your emotions direct your decisions or define your character! Our spirits should be stronger than our flesh! If you and I keep our focus on Jesus, what HE says, what HE tells us to do, we will see the change in every area of our lives!
Pray with me:
Holy Spirit, help me to keep my focus! I choose to focus on what YOU are saying, I want to follow YOUR instructions and I submit all my plans, ideas and difficult situations to You. I surrender again, everything in Jesus Name.
Jesus, I pray for every person reading this right now. I pray for those who are facing tremendous challenges, seeing no way out. Thank You Holy Spirit that You will remind them, reveal to them and direct them what they must do and thank You that Your peace will guide them in this time. I declare breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough in your life! In Jesus Name, Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro