The passage we're reading is taken from Matthew 14 where Jesus was walking on the water. But the part I really want to focus on is the attitude of Peter. In verse 29, it says something profound: "Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus." Do you realize that we focus so much on the part that happened afterwards - him sinking - that we forget he actually did walk on the water at first!
In the same way, you and I, can "walk on water" as long as we keep focusing on Jesus. Jesus has given us everything we need already, to believe beyond what we see, to believe the impossible and to step out in faith when Jesus instructs us to! Peter is an example of someone who responded to Jesus' instruction and believed beyond what he knew was "impossible" and he climbed out of the boat, into the unknown, trusting in the words of Jesus, and he walked on water.
You and I should have that same attitude.
Then comes verse 30: "But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Isn't that so typically us? We start off strong, step out in faith and then we lose our focus. We start listening to opinions, doubt, we look at the circumstances, listen to negativity, we become skeptical and next thing, we're sinking. As long as you and I are on this earth, there will be storms.
There will be winds, rain, waves. But as long as we keep focusing on what Jesus said to us, as long as we remind ourselves of the promises and instructions that Jesus gives us through His Word, not only will we get out of the boat and walk on water, but we will get to our destination! I don't want enough, I want abundance! And the only way we can get to that place, is to be like Peter: obey the instructions of Jesus, step out in faith, and continue to trust in Him no matter what goes on around us.
Lastly, I want to quote verse 31: "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith", he said, "why did you doubt"?
What a comfort this is - Jesus will be there to catch me when I fall! But He said something very important I want us to notice: "why did you doubt?" Jesus is asking us why we doubt His words! Why do we doubt Him? He is right there, ready to catch us. He gave us the faith we need to step out of the boat, step out in faith and as long as we focus on Jesus, remind ourselves of His instructions and promises and do them, we will live and experience everything Jesus has planned for us.
Pray with me:
Lord Jesus, forgive me for not keeping my focus on You. Forgive me for allowing doubt and looking at my circumstances instead of You. Jesus, I believe in You, I believe in Your Word and promises and I know You will always be there for me. Thank You Jesus, I love You with all my heart, In Jesus Name, Amen.
Evelyn Monteiro