I think it's safe to say, we've all stepped into this trap far too many times! Perhaps you don't realize it yet, but after this message, you will come to the realization that many of your problems came about because you acted in kindness (out of the flesh) without discernment (out of the spirit) and you got yourself into great trouble this way. Just because it's good, doesn't mean it's God! Just because it seems to be the "right" thing to do doesn't mean you should be doing it! Just because you're expected to do it, or because you were asked, doesn't mean you should do it!
We have an enemy, who will use anything and anyone to manipulate us into doing things, get involved in things we were never supposed to get involved with! There's a verse in Proverbs 22 which is hard to hear, but so accurate in describing this principle: "the naïve continue on and are punished by suffering the consequences of sin." Do you know what it means to be naïve? It means to show a lack of judgment, you are unsuspecting. It's the opposite of what the Bible says we should be: "vigilant & alert" because the devil is looking for opportunities to steal, kill and destroy in your life.
Satan uses our kindness against us. Ever heard of the saying "no good deed goes unpunished"? That comes from people who did not discern before they acted and out of their naivety, they got themselves into trouble and because they got hurt, they stopped doing good. Isn't that exactly what the devil wants?
You and I, as children of God, have the ability to discern! We don't have to be naïve! We can be kind AND alert! We can be generous AND vigilant! You don't have to say yes to everything. People (family included) may think you are rude. However, who are you here to please: God or man? Pleasing man will always lead to destruction and disappointment. Pleasing God will lead to life in abundance.
Let's not be ignorant about this any longer: discernment before kindness and never kindness before discernment. This can become a cage in your life if not dealt with. This cage kept me silent when I should have spoken up, it suppressed me when I was meant to stand out, it hid me away when I was meant to lead. Don't let this destroy you.
Holy Spirit, forgive me for allowing kindness over discernment. Give me the courage to speak up, say no when I have to and not allow kindness to get me into trouble. Help me Holy Spirit to discern more accurately, to read my situations and know when it's the enemy at play. Help me to not give in to manipulation and help me to act by the Spirit and not in the flesh, in Jesus Name. Amen
Evelyn Monteiro