Did you know that God will give you instructions through a dream? Why does God give us instruction? There are so many reasons why we need instruction from God:
- His instruction guides us
- His instruction gives us a way out of trouble
- His instruction is equipping us for our function
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that God's instruction, His Word, empowers us and prepares us to fulfill any assignment He gives us! Praise God, Hallelujah! We need His instruction to guide us and prepare us!
God has given me so many different types of instruction through dreams. From making right with someone to keep practicing my guitar! Our God is a practical God and when we do what He leads us to do our walk with Him becomes real! There's always a reason behind an instruction He gives, it's never for nothing. Remember Abraham? He did not question God when God instructed him to take his son Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice. Even though Abraham did not understand, he chose to trust his God and he was a blessed man. It is still the same today, that is why we read in James 1:25 that those who are active doers of the Word are blessed and favored by God in all that they do. But I don't do because I'll get something out of it, I do because I love my God.
Did God give you a dream about someone you know? A good start is to start praying for that person because God has given you a task to perform! God is using you in the lives of others! Be faithful with what God entrusts you with and He will entrust you with much, much more! Has God instructed you to forgive people? Make the decision to do it, even if it's hard. Do it because you love your God. Start obeying your dreams of instruction!
Evelyn Monteiro