There's a difference between saying words and praying a prayer! What do I mean? Ritual prayer is when we pray in the flesh - we pray our own thoughts, will and desires for our own personal gain. It's when our prayers are based on what our circumstances look like, or what someone else says or what we see or read in the news. It's prayer based on our senses. This is not prayer. Jesus talks about this type of prayer in Matthew 6:7-8 and He calls it meaningless (vain) repetitions. We are taught to say "In Jesus Name" at the end of our prayers, but it does not have our heart's full agreement, so it has no power! Are your prayers heart-felt prayers? Faith-filled? Spirit-filled?
Spirit-filled prayer is prayer that is led by the Spirit in accordance with the will of God. Who and what do we need to pray effectively?
Start by getting the Word in your heart and the Holy Spirit will bring it to your remembrance when you pray. Remember, don't be hard on yourself, it's a process, be patient, there are no short-cuts to spiritual maturity.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you - ask Him to teach you how to pray! He is after all, the greatest Teacher who teaches us all things! Your prayer must be prayed out of a sincere heart, a believing heart, a trusting heart! Meditate on scriptures as often as possible and soon you'll be praying spirit-filled prayers!
Rhyan Monteiro